12/27 - Warm up: CrossFit warm-up x 2
Strength: 3 position squat clean (from high hang, just below the knee cap and from the ground). I got all three up to 123 lbs. My knee felt better today so I was able to drop under the bar a little better.
Met-con: for time
-run 800m
-50 burpees. ***I finished in 8:20
12/26 - Warm-up: 10 squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 back extensions, 400 m run.
Met-con only: 300 burpees for time. ***I finished in 27:53. I was aiming to get under 27:51 which is what my friend Chris got but I just didn't make it. I was in disbelief as I watched the clock pass up the time I needed by two seconds!
12/23 - Warm-up: CF x 1
Skill: pistols. This has always been a tough one on my knees due to my stability and pain issues. I had to scale these to a box. Trying to go all the way down with scaling was just too painful.
Here is a quick tutorial on pistols:
Strength: press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 90 lbs x 3 and 95 x 2
-run 400m, then four rounds of:
-10 burpees
-10 pistols (5 each leg)
***I didnt record this time but remember it was just under 8 mins.
FREE CrossFit class every Sunday at noon! One mother's mission to spread the word about fitness and raise a healthy family.
12/20 and 12/21/11 WODs - PR!
12/21 - Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 175 lbs x3 which is a PR by two lbs! I'll take it.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 12 mins of:
-5 thrusters, 95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women
-10 pull ups
***I completed 8 rounds plus up to 4 thrusters.
12/20 - Warm up: CF x 1
Skill: double-unders. After getting warm, work for ~ 5 min, or if proficient at doubles go for 1-2 max effort sets. I subbed 24" box jumps as my knees were still recovering from the doubles on Friday.
Strength: behind the neck push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 120 x 2, failed on the third rep.
Open Sectionals 2011 WOD #3:
-Squat clean to overhead, 165 lbs men/ 115 lbs women. AMRAP 5min. ***I completed 11 rounds which is three more than I did April--PR!
We got to go ice skating last week which was also a mini-wod, surprising how my low back felt tired after a few rounds even when not carrying Marls:
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 175 lbs x3 which is a PR by two lbs! I'll take it.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 12 mins of:
-5 thrusters, 95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women
-10 pull ups
***I completed 8 rounds plus up to 4 thrusters.
12/20 - Warm up: CF x 1
Skill: double-unders. After getting warm, work for ~ 5 min, or if proficient at doubles go for 1-2 max effort sets. I subbed 24" box jumps as my knees were still recovering from the doubles on Friday.
Strength: behind the neck push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 120 x 2, failed on the third rep.
Open Sectionals 2011 WOD #3:
-Squat clean to overhead, 165 lbs men/ 115 lbs women. AMRAP 5min. ***I completed 11 rounds which is three more than I did April--PR!
We got to go ice skating last week which was also a mini-wod, surprising how my low back felt tired after a few rounds even when not carrying Marls:
12/14 and 12/16/11 WODs
12/16 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Mason slept in the swing. I tried the freeway on the way there to get him to sleep but it didn't work so I soothed and shushed him until he was pacified. Marls was at school today. Warmup: CF x 1
Strength: deadlift. Work up to ONE work set of 5 dead stop deadlifts. Ideally, this set should be near your 1RM. DO NOT DO FIVES all the way to the work set- take jumps, warm up properly, and as the weight gets heavier just pull it once or twice. I worked up to 253 lbs x 5 (one at a time with breaks), my one rep max is 275 lbs.
10 KB swing, 53 lbs men/ 35lb women
20 double-unders (sub 60 singles, no singles until at least 2min have gone by. WORK THE DOUBLES).
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 5 min.
Rest 3min, then-
10 KB front squat, 53/35lb
20 double-unders
AMRAP 5 min.
Score is total rounds across both intervals. ***I completed 4 rounds and up to 10 kettle bell swings. My doubles lack something to be desired but I did the wod Rx'd as I need the practice.
12/14 - I went to train with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and had to leave after trying to soothe Mason for 20 mins with no success. I was bummed because it was snatch day and I love that lift. I went home and rode the spin bike for 35 mins, level 16 on the cross train setting instead. ***I burned 302 cals.
Strength: deadlift. Work up to ONE work set of 5 dead stop deadlifts. Ideally, this set should be near your 1RM. DO NOT DO FIVES all the way to the work set- take jumps, warm up properly, and as the weight gets heavier just pull it once or twice. I worked up to 253 lbs x 5 (one at a time with breaks), my one rep max is 275 lbs.
10 KB swing, 53 lbs men/ 35lb women
20 double-unders (sub 60 singles, no singles until at least 2min have gone by. WORK THE DOUBLES).
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 5 min.
Rest 3min, then-
10 KB front squat, 53/35lb
20 double-unders
AMRAP 5 min.
Score is total rounds across both intervals. ***I completed 4 rounds and up to 10 kettle bell swings. My doubles lack something to be desired but I did the wod Rx'd as I need the practice.
12/14 - I went to train with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and had to leave after trying to soothe Mason for 20 mins with no success. I was bummed because it was snatch day and I love that lift. I went home and rode the spin bike for 35 mins, level 16 on the cross train setting instead. ***I burned 302 cals.
12/9 and 12/13/11 WODs
12/13 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Mason hung out and watched/ cried. Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1
Strength: bench press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 113 lbs x3 (pr match). I feel like I could have gone higher but I ran out of time and Mason was crying A LOT today. It's too hard to let him cry it out and it's disruptive to the class so I had to keep running over to him to comfort him.
Met-con: "Angie"- for time:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
Complete all of one movement before moving on to the next. ***Mason interrupted my workout several times so I stopped timing it after completing the pull ups. At one point I was doing push ups with him under my left armpit--poor guy. I finished up to 48 sit ups in around 20 mins and finished the remaining 52 sit ups and 100 squats at home. Here is a great video posted on the Elysium site today:
12/9 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Mason slept in his car seat. Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Thrusters 3x3. I got up to 103 x3 (20 lbs off my pr).
Met-con: Tabata thruster, (95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women (complete 4 minutes of interval training. Tabata is 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. Maximum effort is defined as proper form combined with as many reps as possible). ***I scored 34 in the eight cycles.
Strength: bench press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 113 lbs x3 (pr match). I feel like I could have gone higher but I ran out of time and Mason was crying A LOT today. It's too hard to let him cry it out and it's disruptive to the class so I had to keep running over to him to comfort him.
Met-con: "Angie"- for time:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
Complete all of one movement before moving on to the next. ***Mason interrupted my workout several times so I stopped timing it after completing the pull ups. At one point I was doing push ups with him under my left armpit--poor guy. I finished up to 48 sit ups in around 20 mins and finished the remaining 52 sit ups and 100 squats at home. Here is a great video posted on the Elysium site today:
12/9 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Mason slept in his car seat. Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Thrusters 3x3. I got up to 103 x3 (20 lbs off my pr).
Met-con: Tabata thruster, (95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women (complete 4 minutes of interval training. Tabata is 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. Maximum effort is defined as proper form combined with as many reps as possible). ***I scored 34 in the eight cycles.
12/7/11 WOD - "Oly Death"
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and SO glad I did, this would have sucked alone!
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Strength: off
Met-con: "Oly Death"
5 rounds for time, (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
-15 dead lifts
-12 hang power cleans
-9 front squats
-6 push jerks
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Strength: off
Met-con: "Oly Death"
5 rounds for time, (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
-15 dead lifts
-12 hang power cleans
-9 front squats
-6 push jerks
The front squats were by far the worst. Along with my met-con, my flexibility and range of motion need work. ***I finished in 28:09. SO sore already
12/6/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while both Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone. It was iffy at first but once Mason went to sleep and Marlie stopped jumping the fence, I was able to get down to work.
Warm up: CF x 1
Strength: Shoulder press 3x3. I got up to 95 lbs x2 - no PR
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes:
-10 burpees
-20 push presses (75 lbs men/ 55 lbs women)
-30 air squats
***I did this wod Rx'd and completed 4 rounds plus up to 11 push presses. I can finally feel my met-con improving.
Warm up: CF x 1
Strength: Shoulder press 3x3. I got up to 95 lbs x2 - no PR
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes:
-10 burpees
-20 push presses (75 lbs men/ 55 lbs women)
-30 air squats
***I did this wod Rx'd and completed 4 rounds plus up to 11 push presses. I can finally feel my met-con improving.
11/18, 11/22, 11/25, 11/28, 11/30 and 12/2/11 WODs
Well these days I have time to go to the gym some mornings and that's about it. Despite a swollen knee set-back, I feel better everyday and I'm thankful to those who've helped me with the kiddos these first few weeks postpartum so I can get back into my routine: Ben, both Moms and my Sister.
Here are some cute pics of our new bundle:
12/2 - Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Overhead Squat 3 x 3. I got up to 93 lbs and my knee started to bug me so I stopped. Max is 128 lbs
Met-con: 21-15-9 reps of:
-OHS 95/65 (I subbed good mornings or straight leg dead lift at 155 lbs)
***I finished in 7:04
11/30 - Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Split jerk max effort. I got at PR x 1 at 148 lbs - WOO HOO
Met-con: 3 rounds for time:
-20 pull ups
-40 box jumps (20 inch box)
***I finished in 8-ish mins (cant recall this score)
11/28 - Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Thrusters 3 x 3. I subbed push press to spare my knee today. I got up to 115 lbs x 3.
Met-con: As high up the ladder as you can get in 10 minutes:
-2 unbroken wall balls
-4 unbroken wall balls
-6 unbroken wall balls
-8 unbroken wall balls....
Each round add two wall balls. Each round the med-ball must be kept at the chest for any "rest", if the ball is put down in the middle of the set then that set starts over. ***I subbed 1.5 pood (54 lbs) kettle bell swings at scored up to round 18.
11/25 - Open gym day due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I did deadlift 3 x 3 and got up to 245 lbs. NOT a PR by far.
Met-con: 21-15-9 reps of:
-Pull ups
-20" box jumps
-35 lb kettle bell swings
***I finished in 9:30
11/22 - Warmup: CF x 1
Skill: false grip, muscle up transition, muscle ups
Strength: press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 90 lbs x3
Met-con: for time-
60 power cleans, 135/95lb
every time the bar is dropped/reps are broken up, perform 5 burpees. 12 min time cap. ***This was rough and when my knee started to throb and crack more than usual. I only made it to 42 cleans with several breaks/ burpees.
11/18 - Spin bike workout for 45 mins on the cross-train setting and level 16. Burned 372 cals
Here are some cute pics of our new bundle:
12/2 - Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Overhead Squat 3 x 3. I got up to 93 lbs and my knee started to bug me so I stopped. Max is 128 lbs
Met-con: 21-15-9 reps of:
-OHS 95/65 (I subbed good mornings or straight leg dead lift at 155 lbs)
***I finished in 7:04
11/30 - Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Split jerk max effort. I got at PR x 1 at 148 lbs - WOO HOO
Met-con: 3 rounds for time:
-20 pull ups
-40 box jumps (20 inch box)
***I finished in 8-ish mins (cant recall this score)
11/28 - Warm up: CF x 2
Strength: Thrusters 3 x 3. I subbed push press to spare my knee today. I got up to 115 lbs x 3.
Met-con: As high up the ladder as you can get in 10 minutes:
-2 unbroken wall balls
-4 unbroken wall balls
-6 unbroken wall balls
-8 unbroken wall balls....
Each round add two wall balls. Each round the med-ball must be kept at the chest for any "rest", if the ball is put down in the middle of the set then that set starts over. ***I subbed 1.5 pood (54 lbs) kettle bell swings at scored up to round 18.
11/25 - Open gym day due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I did deadlift 3 x 3 and got up to 245 lbs. NOT a PR by far.
Met-con: 21-15-9 reps of:
-Pull ups
-20" box jumps
-35 lb kettle bell swings
***I finished in 9:30
11/22 - Warmup: CF x 1
Skill: false grip, muscle up transition, muscle ups
Strength: press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 90 lbs x3
Met-con: for time-
60 power cleans, 135/95lb
every time the bar is dropped/reps are broken up, perform 5 burpees. 12 min time cap. ***This was rough and when my knee started to throb and crack more than usual. I only made it to 42 cleans with several breaks/ burpees.
11/18 - Spin bike workout for 45 mins on the cross-train setting and level 16. Burned 372 cals
Return to the gym: 11/14, 11/15, 11/17/11 WODs - PR!
After taking a five week break from the gym (three weeks prior to delivery and two weeks postpartum) I decided to go back Monday to see if my body was ready. I've been through three CrossFit classes with my comrades at Elysium since and although it was expectedly much harder than usual, I am happy to be back. Mommy and baby pics to follow.
11/14 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and got to meet a few new fellow members.
-Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
-Strength: Back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 160 lbs which is 20 lbs lower than my PR.
-Met-con: "power Elizabeth"- 21-15-9 reps of 135lbs men/ 95lbs women power cleans, ring dips. ***I finished in 13:30 using the red band for the dips and 95 lbs for the cleans. Felt good to do the weight Rxd even though my time was much slower than usual for this workout.
11/15 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class.
-Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
-Strength: Split jerk. Focus on driving under the bar with a solid DEEP lunge. I got up to 145 lbs which is a 5 lb PR! WOO HOO
-Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins of:
"Half Cindy"
5 pull ups,
10 push ups,
15 squats
***I completed 7 rounds plus 1 pull-up
11/17 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class.
-Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
-Strength: Push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 115 which is 10 lbs lower than my PR.
-Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 mins of:
20 double unders,
15 KB swing, 53/35lb,
10 burpees
***My double unders are still pretty bad but I was able to finish 3 rounds plus up to 9 double unders. One of my favorite double under examples:
I was REALLY sore on Wednesday but after lots of fish oil and some good stretching and foam rolling, I feel like a million bucks compared to a few weeks ago. My strength has maintained pretty well but my met-con needs some repair.
11/14 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and got to meet a few new fellow members.
-Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
-Strength: Back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 160 lbs which is 20 lbs lower than my PR.
-Met-con: "power Elizabeth"- 21-15-9 reps of 135lbs men/ 95lbs women power cleans, ring dips. ***I finished in 13:30 using the red band for the dips and 95 lbs for the cleans. Felt good to do the weight Rxd even though my time was much slower than usual for this workout.
11/15 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class.
-Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
-Strength: Split jerk. Focus on driving under the bar with a solid DEEP lunge. I got up to 145 lbs which is a 5 lb PR! WOO HOO
-Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins of:
"Half Cindy"
5 pull ups,
10 push ups,
15 squats
***I completed 7 rounds plus 1 pull-up
11/17 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class.
-Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
-Strength: Push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 115 which is 10 lbs lower than my PR.
-Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 mins of:
20 double unders,
15 KB swing, 53/35lb,
10 burpees
***My double unders are still pretty bad but I was able to finish 3 rounds plus up to 9 double unders. One of my favorite double under examples:
I was REALLY sore on Wednesday but after lots of fish oil and some good stretching and foam rolling, I feel like a million bucks compared to a few weeks ago. My strength has maintained pretty well but my met-con needs some repair.
Pregnancy - 37.5 weeks 10/19/11
Well it's been a few days since my last post and although I haven't worked out since 10/7, we have been busy. I've decided to take the rest of my pregnancy off from the gym since it's been a real challenge the last few times I went in. The most difficult things I've been dealing with are the inability to breathe (even during strength training) and the strange sensation in my hips. My hips don't feel sturdy anymore and I've noticed some cramping when walking for a few hours at a time. The best way to describe it I guess is that they feel unstable as if they may pop out of joint which could be due to the hormone relaxin. Wikipedia, "Relaxin widens the pubic bone and facilitates labor; it also softens the cervix (cervical ripening), and relaxes the uterine musculature. Thus, for a long time, relaxin was looked at as a pregnancy hormone."
Instead of focusing on training, I've been spending some quality time with my 2.5-year-old daughter who's world is about to be turned upside down by her baby brother's arrival. We've been to The San Diego Zoo a few times, Balboa Park, a pumpkin patch, Disneyland, the beach and plenty of parks and play-dates with her friends.
I'm really looking forward to joining everyone back at CrossFit Elysium and miss training with my fellow athletes. Here are a few pics from our adventures.
Merry-go-round at Balboa Park
"The Scary Lady"
Visiting the hippos at The Zoo
There was a true connection with these two, so cute!
Trying to find our way out of the corn maze
Another day at The Zoo
10/7/11 WOD - 36 weeks pregnant
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today. I decided to take a good break as my hip joints feel pretty loose. The hormone relaxin has definitely kicked in. We were at Disneyland last week and I felt my hip pop a few times due to the several hours of walking.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm up x 2
Strength only today: 4 worksets of max rep shoulder to overhead. I went back and forth between the push press and push jerk at 80% of my three rep max (or 95 lbs).
***Score: 14, 13, 12, 10 all at 95 lbs
Here is an example of all three presses:
Warm-up: CrossFit warm up x 2
Strength only today: 4 worksets of max rep shoulder to overhead. I went back and forth between the push press and push jerk at 80% of my three rep max (or 95 lbs).
***Score: 14, 13, 12, 10 all at 95 lbs
Here is an example of all three presses:
9/26/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was at school.
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1 and hip mobility work
Skill: handstands, handstand push ups. I subbed muscle up transition
Strength: Deadlift 3 x 3 reps. Each work set is three dead stop singles. I subbed sumo deadlift to accommodate the big belly. I worked up to 233 lbs x 3.
Here is an example of the sumo deadlift:
Met-con: Three rounds for time:
-10 hang power cleans, 135 lbs (men)/ 95 lbs (women)
-15 toe to bar. I subbed push ups for toe to bar since I cannot get my knees up and can no longer do sit ups at a reasonable speed (nor should I be on my back).
***I finished in 5:29 with push ups and 95-lb cleans
9/23/11 WOD - 34 weeks pregnant
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school.
Warm-up: Hip mobility, Burgener warm-up for clean and split jerk foot work practice.
Strength: 1 rep max clean and jerk. I opted to sub 3x3 instead to keep the weight down a bit. I got up to 95 lbs x3, 105 x3 and 110 x3. Although still a good 28 lbs away from my max, it felt pretty heavy today.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins of:
-10 pull ups
-20 air squats
***I completed 7 total rounds Rx'd.
Warm-up: Hip mobility, Burgener warm-up for clean and split jerk foot work practice.
Strength: 1 rep max clean and jerk. I opted to sub 3x3 instead to keep the weight down a bit. I got up to 95 lbs x3, 105 x3 and 110 x3. Although still a good 28 lbs away from my max, it felt pretty heavy today.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins of:
-10 pull ups
-20 air squats
***I completed 7 total rounds Rx'd.
9/21/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today after a few days rest while Marlie was at school.
Warm-up: Hip mobility stretches and CrossFit warm-up x1.
Strength: Front squats 3x3. I subbed 5 reps x 3 rounds (with a few warm up rounds) since I'm not going too heavy on squats right now. I got up to 105 lbs x5, 125 x5 and 135 x5.
Mommy Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins of:
-15 push ups
-20 step ups (24" box)
***I completed 5 rounds plus up to 12 push ups.
Warm-up: Hip mobility stretches and CrossFit warm-up x1.
Strength: Front squats 3x3. I subbed 5 reps x 3 rounds (with a few warm up rounds) since I'm not going too heavy on squats right now. I got up to 105 lbs x5, 125 x5 and 135 x5.
Mommy Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins of:
-15 push ups
-20 step ups (24" box)
***I completed 5 rounds plus up to 12 push ups.
9/16/11 WOD - 33 weeks pregnant
I only had about 30 mins due to several appointments today so I made it a quick day at the gym.
Warm up: CrossFit warm-up x1, barbell complex for snatch, hip mobility stretches
Strength: Max effort Snatch. I got up to 98 lbs which is not a PR. Felt like an off day from the start.
Here is a picture of the snatch in action:
Warm up: CrossFit warm-up x1, barbell complex for snatch, hip mobility stretches
Strength: Max effort Snatch. I got up to 98 lbs which is not a PR. Felt like an off day from the start.
Here is a picture of the snatch in action:
9/14/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school.
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x1, hip mobility stretches and Burgener warm up for clean
Strength: max effort clean. I got up to 133 lbs x1 which is a PR match. I failed on 138.
Met-con: 3 rounds for time:
-20 kettlebell swings (54 lbs men/ 36 lbs women)
-15 burpees
-10 pull ups
***I did this wod as Rx'd and finished in 10:14.
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x1, hip mobility stretches and Burgener warm up for clean
Strength: max effort clean. I got up to 133 lbs x1 which is a PR match. I failed on 138.
Met-con: 3 rounds for time:
-20 kettlebell swings (54 lbs men/ 36 lbs women)
-15 burpees
-10 pull ups
***I did this wod as Rx'd and finished in 10:14.
Here is an awesome video just for fun of some really strong girls doing snatches and clean and jerks that the gym posted the other day:
9/12/11 WOD
Warm up: Hip mobility and shoulder pass through stretches, CrossFit warm up x 2 with pvc overhead squats and dips instead of push ups.
Strength: Overhead squat, 5 rep max. I got up to 105 lbs x 5, not feeling it today.
Met-con: Amrap 3 minutes, rest 2 minutes and repeat twice for max total reps:
-7 thrusters (75 lbs men/ 55 lbs women)
-7 push ups
***I completed 9 rounds plus up to 4 push ups. SO close to 10 rounds--ugh!
Strength: Overhead squat, 5 rep max. I got up to 105 lbs x 5, not feeling it today.
Met-con: Amrap 3 minutes, rest 2 minutes and repeat twice for max total reps:
-7 thrusters (75 lbs men/ 55 lbs women)
-7 push ups
***I completed 9 rounds plus up to 4 push ups. SO close to 10 rounds--ugh!
9/9/11 WOD - 32 weeks pregnant
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school.
Warm up: Hip mobility stretches and CrossFit warm up x 2 with overhead squats and dips instead of push ups.
Strength: Dead-lift 5 rep max. I got up to 233 lbs x 5.
Met-con: 15 minutes, 30 secs on/ 30 secs off max rep pull ups. Since my pulls are really slow right now and my swing is a little wild, I opted for 1 pood (35 lb) kettle bell swings instead.
***I got 213 reps and some sore hands.
Here I am in action today:
Warm up: Hip mobility stretches and CrossFit warm up x 2 with overhead squats and dips instead of push ups.
Strength: Dead-lift 5 rep max. I got up to 233 lbs x 5.
Met-con: 15 minutes, 30 secs on/ 30 secs off max rep pull ups. Since my pulls are really slow right now and my swing is a little wild, I opted for 1 pood (35 lb) kettle bell swings instead.
***I got 213 reps and some sore hands.
Here I am in action today:
9/6/11/ WOD - PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie watched her show and colored. She was very good today considering she is sick--poor Marls.
Warm up: Hip mobility, pass-throughs, CrossFit warm up x1, use pvc overhead squats instead of regulr air squats.
Strength: overhead squats, 3x3. I got up to 113 lbs x3 which is a PR match. Then I went for a one rep PR at 128 lbs and got it! YAY!
5 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
-7 overhead squats (75 lbs men / 55 lbs women)
-7 burpees
Rest 2 minutes, repeat above
***I completed 7 rounds as Rx'd although my burpees are looking pretty funny these days.
Here is one of the original CF girls, Nicole executing a good looking OHS:
Warm up: Hip mobility, pass-throughs, CrossFit warm up x1, use pvc overhead squats instead of regulr air squats.
Strength: overhead squats, 3x3. I got up to 113 lbs x3 which is a PR match. Then I went for a one rep PR at 128 lbs and got it! YAY!
5 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
-7 overhead squats (75 lbs men / 55 lbs women)
-7 burpees
Rest 2 minutes, repeat above
***I completed 7 rounds as Rx'd although my burpees are looking pretty funny these days.
Here is one of the original CF girls, Nicole executing a good looking OHS:
9/2/11 WOD - 31 weeks pregnant
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today and felt pretty good.
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1, foam rolling and some leg stretches
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 173 lbs x3 which is a PR match x3.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins:
-5 dead-lift, 225 lbs men/ 155 lbs women
-5 burpees, jump over the bar
***I completed 9 rounds plus up to one burpee as Rx'd. I was aiming for 1 minute rounds--close.
The burpees are similar to those in this video (although I'm a little slower these days :-):
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1, foam rolling and some leg stretches
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 173 lbs x3 which is a PR match x3.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins:
-5 dead-lift, 225 lbs men/ 155 lbs women
-5 burpees, jump over the bar
***I completed 9 rounds plus up to one burpee as Rx'd. I was aiming for 1 minute rounds--close.
The burpees are similar to those in this video (although I'm a little slower these days :-):
8/31/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1, pass throughs and hip stretching.
Strength: overhead squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 113 lbs x 3 - no PR today.
Met-con: "The boys"- this WOD is in honor of the birth of Rhys Chang (8/30/11) and his big brother Luca.
4 rounds for time of:
-5 135/95lb OR 155/105lb clean and jerks
-10 burpee wall balls (20/15lb) OR wall balls
A burpee wall ball is exactly as it sounds- do a burpee, then pick up the ball and do a wall ball. If you do the lighter CNJs, you MUST do the burpee wall balls. If you elect for heavier CNJs you will do regular wall balls.
***I opted for the heavier clean and jerks (105 lbs) and finished as Rx'd in 10:56.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1, pass throughs and hip stretching.
Strength: overhead squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 113 lbs x 3 - no PR today.
Met-con: "The boys"- this WOD is in honor of the birth of Rhys Chang (8/30/11) and his big brother Luca.
4 rounds for time of:
-5 135/95lb OR 155/105lb clean and jerks
-10 burpee wall balls (20/15lb) OR wall balls
A burpee wall ball is exactly as it sounds- do a burpee, then pick up the ball and do a wall ball. If you do the lighter CNJs, you MUST do the burpee wall balls. If you elect for heavier CNJs you will do regular wall balls.
***I opted for the heavier clean and jerks (105 lbs) and finished as Rx'd in 10:56.
8/30/11 WOD - PR, 30 weeks pregnant
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie colored, watched Elmo and jumped the kid-zone fence a few times. She is getting more reluctant to stay in there for an hour. Good thing she starts school three times per week next week so I don't have to bring her to they gym anymore.
Warm-up: CF x 1, Burgener for jerk
Strength: Split jerk 2-2-2 reps. Three work sets of 2 reps. After, work on even heavier singles. I got up to 145 lbs x 1 which is a new PR. I'm surprised as I was feeling extra tired this morning but I'm really happy with this nonetheless. Now if I can just get my clean past 133 lbs.
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 12mins:
-run 400m (once), then
-10 pull ups
-10 box jumps, 20 in
***I completed 5 rounds plus 6 pull ups. I subbed a row for the run as I had to keep an eye on Marlie.
Warm-up: CF x 1, Burgener for jerk
Strength: Split jerk 2-2-2 reps. Three work sets of 2 reps. After, work on even heavier singles. I got up to 145 lbs x 1 which is a new PR. I'm surprised as I was feeling extra tired this morning but I'm really happy with this nonetheless. Now if I can just get my clean past 133 lbs.
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 12mins:
-run 400m (once), then
-10 pull ups
-10 box jumps, 20 in
***I completed 5 rounds plus 6 pull ups. I subbed a row for the run as I had to keep an eye on Marlie.
8/28/11 WOD
I trained with the 12 p.m. Elysium class while Marlie mostly entertained herself and jumped the kid-zone wall a few times during our workout.
Warm-up: 400 m run followed by two rounds of
-10 sit ups
-10 burpees (I subbed push ups)
-10 air squats
Met-con only today:
-15 burpees (I subbed kettle bell swings at 35 lbs)
-25 air squats
-35 sit ups
***I completed 5 rounds plus up to 12 squats. Thanks to Brandon for teaching today...fun class.
Warm-up: 400 m run followed by two rounds of
-10 sit ups
-10 burpees (I subbed push ups)
-10 air squats
Met-con only today:
-15 burpees (I subbed kettle bell swings at 35 lbs)
-25 air squats
-35 sit ups
***I completed 5 rounds plus up to 12 squats. Thanks to Brandon for teaching today...fun class.
8/25/11 WOD "Fran"
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie watched Snow White and colored.
Warm-up: run 400 m and row 500 m
Strength: front squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 145 lbs x 3
Met-con: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
- thruster, 95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women
- pull ups
***I finished in 11:22. WOW, I did this same workout in 6:12 in February.
Here is a great video posted on the Elysium site today:
Warm-up: run 400 m and row 500 m
Strength: front squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 145 lbs x 3
Met-con: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
- thruster, 95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women
- pull ups
***I finished in 11:22. WOW, I did this same workout in 6:12 in February.
Here is a great video posted on the Elysium site today:
8/23/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie colored ALL over herself and the kid zone at the gym.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 165 lbs x 3 (my PR is 180)
Met-con: Three rounds for time:
-10 hang power cleans (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
-10 push press/jerk, 135/95lb
***I finished in 8:45 as Rx'd. The overhead was the worst as suspected.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 165 lbs x 3 (my PR is 180)
Met-con: Three rounds for time:
-10 hang power cleans (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
-10 push press/jerk, 135/95lb
***I finished in 8:45 as Rx'd. The overhead was the worst as suspected.
8/22/11 WOD - "Cindy," 29 weeks pregnant
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie played by herself in the kid zone. This is the start to a six week nutrition challenge we're having at the gym in which we'll do this wod again at the end to determine how we've improved (among other measurements).
Warm-up: CrossFit Warm-up x2
Met-con only: "Cindy" AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 20 mins:
- 5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 air squats
***I completed 13 rounds plus 3 pull ups. I did everything as Rx'd but my range is a little short on the push ups. Here is a video of another box doing the same workout:
Warm-up: CrossFit Warm-up x2
Met-con only: "Cindy" AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 20 mins:
- 5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 air squats
***I completed 13 rounds plus 3 pull ups. I did everything as Rx'd but my range is a little short on the push ups. Here is a video of another box doing the same workout:
8/17/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was in school.
Warm up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Strength: Deadlift 3 rep max effort. I got up to 245 lbs x 3
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
15 deadlifts (135 men/ 95 lbs women)
15 hand release push ups
***I completed 8 rounds plus up to 15 deadlifts. I subbed regular push ups using the parallel bars to get full range of motion with the big belly in the way. Similar to the guy in this photo:
Warm up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Strength: Deadlift 3 rep max effort. I got up to 245 lbs x 3
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
15 deadlifts (135 men/ 95 lbs women)
15 hand release push ups
***I completed 8 rounds plus up to 15 deadlifts. I subbed regular push ups using the parallel bars to get full range of motion with the big belly in the way. Similar to the guy in this photo:
8/13/11 WOD, 28 weeks pregnant
I trained with Leon at Elysium today while Marlie played with Luca and Alessandra--thanks to them for entertaining her.
Warm-up: lot's of stretching and air squats.
Met-con: "Grace" -
30 clean and jerks at 95 lbs
***I finished in 7:36 which is about three minutes over my PR.
Warm-up: lot's of stretching and air squats.
Met-con: "Grace" -
30 clean and jerks at 95 lbs
***I finished in 7:36 which is about three minutes over my PR.
8/11/11 - Jeremy Henwood memorial WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie watched a movie and colored.
On Saturday, August 6th, SDPD Officer Jeremy Henwood was assassinated while on duty in Mid-City. Jeremy also served as a Marine for 15 years. His badge # was 6378. The funeral is this Friday. My heart goes out to his family and we'll be sending all donations from the gym to his fund. http://www.signonsandiego. com/news/2011/aug/07/sdpd- officer-henwood-dedicated- cop-marine/
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Strength: off
Met-con: AMRAP: (as many rounds as possible) in 40 minutes:
-63- pull ups (I used the lightest resistance band today)
-78- wall balls
-run 400 meters with weight plate (45lbs/35)
-63-burpees (I subbed push ups)
-78- air squat while holding weight plate (45/35)
-run 400 meters with weight plate
***I was able to finish up to 78 air squats with 1:40 to spare.
8/8 and 8/9/11 WODs
8/9 - I trained alone while Marlie played in the kid zone at the Y today.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1 and 5 mins of stretching.
Met-con: 100 lunges with a 25 lb plate overhead (ugh! my legs are still fried from Sunday's lunges) followed by 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer on the interval setting. Didn't mark the cals burned--oops.
8/8 - I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class this morning while Marlie colored and watched a movie.
Warm up: Burgener warm-up for cleans
Strength: Max effort clean. I got up to 123 lbs and then tried for 133 (failed twice) which is my current PR.
Met con: 500 meter row for time. I finished in 1:56, my current PR is 1:46.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1 and 5 mins of stretching.
Met-con: 100 lunges with a 25 lb plate overhead (ugh! my legs are still fried from Sunday's lunges) followed by 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer on the interval setting. Didn't mark the cals burned--oops.
8/8 - I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class this morning while Marlie colored and watched a movie.
Warm up: Burgener warm-up for cleans
Strength: Max effort clean. I got up to 123 lbs and then tried for 133 (failed twice) which is my current PR.
Met con: 500 meter row for time. I finished in 1:56, my current PR is 1:46.
8/7/11 WOD, 27 weeks pregnant
I trained with the 12 p.m. Elysium class today while Marlie played in the kid zone.
Warm-up: 400 m run, 20 sit ups and 20 burpees.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes:
- broad jump burpees from one end of the gym to the other
- 20 sit ups
***I completed 6 rounds plus 1/3 lunges (I subbed lunges for burpess after the first round as the belly is too to hit the floor anymore).
Warm-up: 400 m run, 20 sit ups and 20 burpees.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes:
- broad jump burpees from one end of the gym to the other
- 20 sit ups
***I completed 6 rounds plus 1/3 lunges (I subbed lunges for burpess after the first round as the belly is too to hit the floor anymore).
8/4/11 WOD
I trained alone while Marlie played in the kid center at the Y.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x2
Strength: Front squats 5x3. I did 115 lbs x5, 125 lbs x5 and 135 lbs x5. Here is a good example of front squats:
Met-con: Elliptical for 40 mins on the interval setting. ***I burned 415 cals.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x2
Strength: Front squats 5x3. I did 115 lbs x5, 125 lbs x5 and 135 lbs x5. Here is a good example of front squats:
Met-con: Elliptical for 40 mins on the interval setting. ***I burned 415 cals.
8/3/11 WOD
I trained alone today while Marlie was at school. I've decided to add a little more met-con to my program since it's suffering the most my strength continues to improve.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Strength: off
Met-con: 35 mins on level 15, intervals of the elliptical.
***I burned 334 cals and my knees felt better than they have in awhile.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Strength: off
Met-con: 35 mins on level 15, intervals of the elliptical.
***I burned 334 cals and my knees felt better than they have in awhile.
8/1/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie played in our new and improved kids zone (thanks to Alessandra).
Warm-up: CF x 1
Strength: dead lift 3 x 3 reps (work sets are dead stop). I got up to 255 lbs x 3 today.
5 thrusters, 135lbs men /95lbs women
10 pull ups
6 rounds for time.
I subbed clean and jerks at 95 lbs since my right knee has been a little painful lately. ***I finished in 15:25.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Strength: dead lift 3 x 3 reps (work sets are dead stop). I got up to 255 lbs x 3 today.
5 thrusters, 135lbs men /95lbs women
10 pull ups
6 rounds for time.
I subbed clean and jerks at 95 lbs since my right knee has been a little painful lately. ***I finished in 15:25.
7/29/11 WOD
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up for clean
Skill/strength: clean, 1RM until 35min into class. I got up to 123 lbs - no PR today.
Met-con: for time:
10 power clean, 155 lbs (men)/ 105lbs (women), 25 ring dips
8 power clean, 20 ring dips
6 power clean, 15 ring dips
4 power clean, 10 ring dips
2 power clean, 5 ring dips
If you cannot do ring dips use a band, or do ring/strict push-ups.
***I finished in 13:02 with 105 lbs and the red band for the dips.
Skill/strength: clean, 1RM until 35min into class. I got up to 123 lbs - no PR today.
Met-con: for time:
10 power clean, 155 lbs (men)/ 105lbs (women), 25 ring dips
8 power clean, 20 ring dips
6 power clean, 15 ring dips
4 power clean, 10 ring dips
2 power clean, 5 ring dips
If you cannot do ring dips use a band, or do ring/strict push-ups.
***I finished in 13:02 with 105 lbs and the red band for the dips.
7/27/11 WOD - PR!
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie played with her cousins who are visiting from Sacramento. My brother came with and we had a great workout.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: Split jerk - build up to your 1 rep max. My old PR was 133 lbs and I got up to 135 lbs x1 and 140 lbs x1 today--WOO HOO! I know my split form can be improved but it's nice to make gains after a few bad days in a row.
Met-con: Three rounds for time of:
-10 jerks (or any shoulder to overhead) at 95 lbs
-30 box jumps on a 20" box
***I finished in 9:56 which I'll take considering I was aiming for sub-10 mins.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: Split jerk - build up to your 1 rep max. My old PR was 133 lbs and I got up to 135 lbs x1 and 140 lbs x1 today--WOO HOO! I know my split form can be improved but it's nice to make gains after a few bad days in a row.
Met-con: Three rounds for time of:
-10 jerks (or any shoulder to overhead) at 95 lbs
-30 box jumps on a 20" box
***I finished in 9:56 which I'll take considering I was aiming for sub-10 mins.
7/25/11 WOD
I trained alone today while Marlie was at school. I didnt have much time since we've been going to swim school in the mornings so I did a quick met-con.
Warm-up: 400 m row and some leg stretches
Met-con: 4 rounds of:
-400 m row
-50 air squats
***I finished in 13:30. That is pretty slow. I've done this workout with a 400 m run instead of row a few times before and got better times.
Warm-up: 400 m row and some leg stretches
Met-con: 4 rounds of:
-400 m row
-50 air squats
***I finished in 13:30. That is pretty slow. I've done this workout with a 400 m run instead of row a few times before and got better times.
7/22/11 WOD - One of THOES days
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class this morning while Marlie was in school.
Warm up: CFx2
Strength: off
Metcon: 4 rounds for time, 40 minute time cap
-20 thrusters (95/65)
-30 deadlifts (145/95)
-40 push ups
***I completed 3 rounds plus up to 15 deads.
I really had to dig deep on this one. If it weren't for the other ladies in my class, I would probably have given up. I told myself on round one, I will only finish two rounds and then stop. During round two I looked around the room and saw the looks of pain and frustration and thought to myself, "how will my teammates feel if I give up before the end?" Then one person said, "I just don't want to pick up the bar." I knew at that moment I just had to do what I could to stay in at least till the time cap. At about 25 minutes in, two of us looked at each other and without making a plan, said, "five more." We went on like this doing five thrusters at a time and 10 deads at a time. When it was over, I felt SO thankful to have had that back up today knowing I probably couldn't have done it without them. Just one of those days I guess. Thanks ladies!!!
Warm up: CFx2
Strength: off
Metcon: 4 rounds for time, 40 minute time cap
-20 thrusters (95/65)
-30 deadlifts (145/95)
-40 push ups
***I completed 3 rounds plus up to 15 deads.
I really had to dig deep on this one. If it weren't for the other ladies in my class, I would probably have given up. I told myself on round one, I will only finish two rounds and then stop. During round two I looked around the room and saw the looks of pain and frustration and thought to myself, "how will my teammates feel if I give up before the end?" Then one person said, "I just don't want to pick up the bar." I knew at that moment I just had to do what I could to stay in at least till the time cap. At about 25 minutes in, two of us looked at each other and without making a plan, said, "five more." We went on like this doing five thrusters at a time and 10 deads at a time. When it was over, I felt SO thankful to have had that back up today knowing I probably couldn't have done it without them. Just one of those days I guess. Thanks ladies!!!
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and it was nice to be back in the gym today.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x2
Strength: Deadlift 1, 10, 1, 20, 1, 30
Met con: off
I scored the following:
263 lbs x1
215 lbs x10
273 lbs x1 - New in-gym PR
183 lbs x10 (did 10 twice but since they were not unbroken I just got to count 10)
278 lbs - fail
153 lbs x15
Here I am with my PR--yay!
Warm-up: CF warm-up x2
Strength: Deadlift 1, 10, 1, 20, 1, 30
Met con: off
I scored the following:
263 lbs x1
215 lbs x10
273 lbs x1 - New in-gym PR
183 lbs x10 (did 10 twice but since they were not unbroken I just got to count 10)
278 lbs - fail
153 lbs x15
Here I am with my PR--yay!
Good article on sleep - very important for happy moms
Here are excerpts from a recent NY Times article on the value of sleep. At the end of the article Dr. Denise gives some pointers on what you can do to sleep better, both quantity and quality.
A Good Night’s Sleep Isn’t a Luxury; It’s a Necessity
Studies have shown that people function best after seven to eight hours of sleep, so I now aim for a solid seven hours, the amount associated with the lowest mortality rate. Yet on most nights something seems to interfere, keeping me up later than my intended lights-out at 10 p.m. — an essential household task, an e-mail requiring an urgent and thoughtful response, a condolence letter I never found time to write during the day, a long article that I must read. It’s always something.
What’s Keeping Us Up? I know I’m hardly alone. Between 1960 and 2010, the average night’s sleep for adults in the United States dropped to six and a half hours from more than eight. Some experts predict a continuing decline, thanks to distractions like e-mail, instant and text messaging, and online shopping.
Age can have a detrimental effect on sleep. In a 2005 national telephone survey of 1,003 adults ages 50 and older, the Gallup Organization found that a mere third of older adults got a good night’s sleep every day, fewer than half slept more than seven hours, and one-fifth slept less than six hours a night.
With advancing age, natural changes in sleep quality occur. People may take longer to fall asleep, and they tend to get sleepy earlier in the evening and to awaken earlier in the morning. More time is spent in the lighter stages of sleep and less in restorative deep sleep. R.E.M. sleep, during which the mind processes emotions and memories and relieves stress, also declines with age.
Habits that ruin sleep often accompany aging: less physical activity, less time spent outdoors (sunlight is the body’s main regulator of sleepiness and wakefulness), poorer attention to diet, taking medications that can disrupt sleep, caring for a chronically ill spouse, having a partner who snores. Some use alcohol in hopes of inducing sleep; in fact, it disrupts sleep.
Add to this list a host of sleep-robbing health issues, like painful arthritis, diabetes, depression, anxiety, sleep apnea, hot flashes in women and prostate enlargement in men. In the last years of his life, my husband was plagued with restless leg syndrome, forcing him to get up and walk around in the middle of the night until the symptoms subsided. During a recent night, I was awake for hours with leg cramps that simply wouldn’t quit.
Beauty Rest and Beyond
A good night’s sleep is much more than a luxury. Its benefits include improvements in concentration, short-term memory, productivity, mood, sensitivity to pain and immune function.
If you care about how you look, more sleep can even make you appear more attractive. In a study published online in December in the journal BMJ, researchers in Sweden and the Netherlands reported that 23 sleep-deprived adults seemed to untrained observers to be less healthy, more tired and less attractive than they appeared to be after a full night’s sleep.
Perhaps more important, losing sleep may make you fat — or at least, fatter than you would otherwise be. In a study by Harvard researchers involving 68,000 middle-aged women followed for 16 years, those who slept five hours or less each night were found to weigh 5.4 pounds more — and were 15 percent more likely to become obese — than the women who slept seven hours nightly.
Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist and sleep specialist in Scottsdale, Ariz., and author of “The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan,” points out that as the average length of sleep has declined in the United States, the average weight of Americans has increased.
There are plausible reasons to think this is a cause-and-effect relationship. At least two factors may be involved: more waking hours in homes brimming with food and snacks; and possible changes in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which regulate appetite.
In a study published in 2009 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Dr. Plamen D. Penev, an endocrinologist at the University of Chicago, and co-authors explored calorie consumption and expenditure by 11 healthy volunteers who spent two 14-day stays in a sleep laboratory. Both sessions offered unlimited access to tasty foods. During one stay, the volunteers — five women and six men — were limited to 5.5 hours of sleep a night, and during the other they got 8.5 hours of sleep.
Compliments of NyTimes
Dr Denise's Tips to Sleep Better:
1. Don’t eat within two hours of bedtime.
2. Make breakfast or lunch your largest meal of the day and try to keep dinner at 400 calories or less.
3. No TV at bedtime. Period end of story!!
4. Practice meditation before bedtime.
5. Journal at night – write down goals, affirmations, say them aloud; this is what will be on your mind when you go to sleep rather than what tragic current event you just watched on late night TV or what you were worrying about all day that you couldn’t get off your mind.
6. Shoot for 7 hours each night.
7. Make a night time ritual for the entire family so ALL members of your household place value on and get a good night sleep.
8. Read inspiring literature after dinner. There are so many wonderful books waiting to be read. I just finished: “From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, the life of John Newton.” This is what I’ve been reading right before bedtime…. And sleeping like a baby.
A Good Night’s Sleep Isn’t a Luxury; It’s a Necessity
Studies have shown that people function best after seven to eight hours of sleep, so I now aim for a solid seven hours, the amount associated with the lowest mortality rate. Yet on most nights something seems to interfere, keeping me up later than my intended lights-out at 10 p.m. — an essential household task, an e-mail requiring an urgent and thoughtful response, a condolence letter I never found time to write during the day, a long article that I must read. It’s always something.
What’s Keeping Us Up? I know I’m hardly alone. Between 1960 and 2010, the average night’s sleep for adults in the United States dropped to six and a half hours from more than eight. Some experts predict a continuing decline, thanks to distractions like e-mail, instant and text messaging, and online shopping.
Age can have a detrimental effect on sleep. In a 2005 national telephone survey of 1,003 adults ages 50 and older, the Gallup Organization found that a mere third of older adults got a good night’s sleep every day, fewer than half slept more than seven hours, and one-fifth slept less than six hours a night.
With advancing age, natural changes in sleep quality occur. People may take longer to fall asleep, and they tend to get sleepy earlier in the evening and to awaken earlier in the morning. More time is spent in the lighter stages of sleep and less in restorative deep sleep. R.E.M. sleep, during which the mind processes emotions and memories and relieves stress, also declines with age.
Habits that ruin sleep often accompany aging: less physical activity, less time spent outdoors (sunlight is the body’s main regulator of sleepiness and wakefulness), poorer attention to diet, taking medications that can disrupt sleep, caring for a chronically ill spouse, having a partner who snores. Some use alcohol in hopes of inducing sleep; in fact, it disrupts sleep.
Add to this list a host of sleep-robbing health issues, like painful arthritis, diabetes, depression, anxiety, sleep apnea, hot flashes in women and prostate enlargement in men. In the last years of his life, my husband was plagued with restless leg syndrome, forcing him to get up and walk around in the middle of the night until the symptoms subsided. During a recent night, I was awake for hours with leg cramps that simply wouldn’t quit.
Beauty Rest and Beyond
A good night’s sleep is much more than a luxury. Its benefits include improvements in concentration, short-term memory, productivity, mood, sensitivity to pain and immune function.
If you care about how you look, more sleep can even make you appear more attractive. In a study published online in December in the journal BMJ, researchers in Sweden and the Netherlands reported that 23 sleep-deprived adults seemed to untrained observers to be less healthy, more tired and less attractive than they appeared to be after a full night’s sleep.
Perhaps more important, losing sleep may make you fat — or at least, fatter than you would otherwise be. In a study by Harvard researchers involving 68,000 middle-aged women followed for 16 years, those who slept five hours or less each night were found to weigh 5.4 pounds more — and were 15 percent more likely to become obese — than the women who slept seven hours nightly.
Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist and sleep specialist in Scottsdale, Ariz., and author of “The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan,” points out that as the average length of sleep has declined in the United States, the average weight of Americans has increased.
There are plausible reasons to think this is a cause-and-effect relationship. At least two factors may be involved: more waking hours in homes brimming with food and snacks; and possible changes in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which regulate appetite.
In a study published in 2009 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Dr. Plamen D. Penev, an endocrinologist at the University of Chicago, and co-authors explored calorie consumption and expenditure by 11 healthy volunteers who spent two 14-day stays in a sleep laboratory. Both sessions offered unlimited access to tasty foods. During one stay, the volunteers — five women and six men — were limited to 5.5 hours of sleep a night, and during the other they got 8.5 hours of sleep.
Compliments of NyTimes
Dr Denise's Tips to Sleep Better:
1. Don’t eat within two hours of bedtime.
2. Make breakfast or lunch your largest meal of the day and try to keep dinner at 400 calories or less.
3. No TV at bedtime. Period end of story!!
4. Practice meditation before bedtime.
5. Journal at night – write down goals, affirmations, say them aloud; this is what will be on your mind when you go to sleep rather than what tragic current event you just watched on late night TV or what you were worrying about all day that you couldn’t get off your mind.
6. Shoot for 7 hours each night.
7. Make a night time ritual for the entire family so ALL members of your household place value on and get a good night sleep.
8. Read inspiring literature after dinner. There are so many wonderful books waiting to be read. I just finished: “From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, the life of John Newton.” This is what I’ve been reading right before bedtime…. And sleeping like a baby.
7/13 and 7/15/11 WODs
7/15 - Warm up; CF x2
Strength: off
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 40 min of:
15- burpees
30- power snatch (75/55)
60- double-unders
rest 2 minutes
***I completed 4 rounds plus up to 21 snatches.
7/13 - Warm up: CFx 2
Strength/ met-con: 5 rounds for max reps (not for time)
-max reps 3/4 body weight front squats
-max reps toes 2 bar
***I used 105 lbs and scored the following:
13 squats, 5 toes to bar
10 s, 5 t2b
10 s, 5 t2b
10 s, 5 t2b
Strength: off
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 40 min of:
15- burpees
30- power snatch (75/55)
60- double-unders
rest 2 minutes
***I completed 4 rounds plus up to 21 snatches.
7/13 - Warm up: CFx 2
Strength/ met-con: 5 rounds for max reps (not for time)
-max reps 3/4 body weight front squats
-max reps toes 2 bar
***I used 105 lbs and scored the following:
13 squats, 5 toes to bar
10 s, 5 t2b
10 s, 5 t2b
10 s, 5 t2b
10 s, 5 t2b
This was a bad one for me, the belly is definitely getting in the way now.
7/11/11 WOD - "Cindy"
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie watched "Tangled," one of her new favorites.
Warm up: CF x2
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I subbed 3x5 since I'm not going to maxes on DL while pregnant. I got 203 lbs x5, 223 lbs x5 and 233 lbs x5
Met-con: "Cindy" as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 air squats
***I completed 13 rounds plus 5 pull ups.
WOW, what a difference twenty extra pounds makes. I got more rounds doing this workout in 15 minutes a year ago than I did today in 20 mins. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm in this now to maintain strength and have a more comfortable (and hopefully speedy) labor and delivery. I'm not here to set PRs or win a race. It's also nice to be able to burn off some of the cake and other delectable treats we've been enjoying. So far so good...
Warm up: CF x2
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I subbed 3x5 since I'm not going to maxes on DL while pregnant. I got 203 lbs x5, 223 lbs x5 and 233 lbs x5
Met-con: "Cindy" as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 air squats
***I completed 13 rounds plus 5 pull ups.
WOW, what a difference twenty extra pounds makes. I got more rounds doing this workout in 15 minutes a year ago than I did today in 20 mins. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm in this now to maintain strength and have a more comfortable (and hopefully speedy) labor and delivery. I'm not here to set PRs or win a race. It's also nice to be able to burn off some of the cake and other delectable treats we've been enjoying. So far so good...
7/6/11 WOD
First day back in the gym in five days. I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and it was a great group of girls.
Warm up: CF x 1
Skill: handstand practice. If you have handstands already go for max duration or start working on handstand push up depth.
Strength: clean, go for a new 1RM. I'm not going to maxes right now due to my pregnancy so I went for a 1 rep max power clean. I got up to 123 lbs. My max is 133 so no PR today.
Met-con: AMRAP 10 mins of:
-10 overhead squat, 95/65lb
-10 wall balls, 20/15lb
***I completed 4 rounds plus up to 2 wall balls. SO slow today.
Warm up: CF x 1
Skill: handstand practice. If you have handstands already go for max duration or start working on handstand push up depth.
Strength: clean, go for a new 1RM. I'm not going to maxes right now due to my pregnancy so I went for a 1 rep max power clean. I got up to 123 lbs. My max is 133 so no PR today.
Met-con: AMRAP 10 mins of:
-10 overhead squat, 95/65lb
-10 wall balls, 20/15lb
***I completed 4 rounds plus up to 2 wall balls. SO slow today.
7/1/11 WOD - Alessandra's birthday workout
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and we had three out-of-towners visiting--fun day at the gym.
Strength: Front squats- 3x3. No where near my PR...I got 93lbs x3, 103 x 3, 113 x1. Horrible (PR is 125 lbs x2)!
Met-con: AMRAP 3 min, rest 1 min, 4 rounds total.
Rx'd is with 115/75lb, "pregnant Rx'd" is with 20 additional pounds... (in the belly--135/95lb). ***I went with 75lbs plus 17 belly lbs and completed 9 rounds plus 3 clean and jerks. Pretty slow today, the heat was getting to me more than usual.
Strength: Front squats- 3x3. No where near my PR...I got 93lbs x3, 103 x 3, 113 x1. Horrible (PR is 125 lbs x2)!
Met-con: AMRAP 3 min, rest 1 min, 4 rounds total.
-3 clean and jerks, 115 lbs men/ 75lbs women.
-4 thrusters, 115lbs men/ 75lbs women.Rx'd is with 115/75lb, "pregnant Rx'd" is with 20 additional pounds... (in the belly--135/95lb). ***I went with 75lbs plus 17 belly lbs and completed 9 rounds plus 3 clean and jerks. Pretty slow today, the heat was getting to me more than usual.
Happy Birthday Alessandra!
6/29/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school.
Strength: Front squats 3x3. I scaled to 5 reps x 3 rounds since I'm not going to maxes on squats right now. I got 115 lbs x5, 125 x5 and 130 x5.
Met-con: "death by 66!"
Complete 66 burpees for time. Every min on the min first do 2 clean and jerks at 2/3 (66%) of your 1RM. In other words, you start with two clean and jerks. Suggested time completion = sub 10 min.
***I used a 73 lb bar and finished in 6:48. In retrospect, I should have gone with a heavier bar, probably 83 lbs.
Strength: Front squats 3x3. I scaled to 5 reps x 3 rounds since I'm not going to maxes on squats right now. I got 115 lbs x5, 125 x5 and 130 x5.
Met-con: "death by 66!"
Complete 66 burpees for time. Every min on the min first do 2 clean and jerks at 2/3 (66%) of your 1RM. In other words, you start with two clean and jerks. Suggested time completion = sub 10 min.
***I used a 73 lb bar and finished in 6:48. In retrospect, I should have gone with a heavier bar, probably 83 lbs.
6/27/11 WOD -
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie watched. It was great to be home!
Warmup: CF x 1
Strength: dead-lift 3 x 3 reps. Each workset is 3 reps from a dead stop. I subbed 3 rounds x 5 reps as I'm not going to maxes on dead-lift right now. I got 183 lbs x5, 203 lbs x5 and 213 x5.
-12 dead-lifts
-9 hang power cleans
-6 push jerks
5 rounds for time, barbell is 155/105lb. ***I scaled to 95 lbs and finished in 13:45 and

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.
Warmup: CF x 1
Strength: dead-lift 3 x 3 reps. Each workset is 3 reps from a dead stop. I subbed 3 rounds x 5 reps as I'm not going to maxes on dead-lift right now. I got 183 lbs x5, 203 lbs x5 and 213 x5.
-12 dead-lifts
-9 hang power cleans
-6 push jerks
5 rounds for time, barbell is 155/105lb. ***I scaled to 95 lbs and finished in 13:45 and

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.
6/24/11 WOD
I trained at Santa Cruz strength today with my mom and sister while Marlie watched and occasionally ran out on to the floor of the gym.
Met-con: Front squats 3x5. I did 103 lbs, 113 lbs, 123 lbs, 128 lbs and 133 lbs
Met-con: 10 min AMRAP of:
-5 one arm kettle bell snatches at 25 lbs (each arm)
-7 knee to elbows
-9 box jumps on 24 in box
***I completed 5 rounds. I could have done more but had to chase after Marlie a few times. Overall great day at a fun gym!
Met-con: Front squats 3x5. I did 103 lbs, 113 lbs, 123 lbs, 128 lbs and 133 lbs
Met-con: 10 min AMRAP of:
-5 one arm kettle bell snatches at 25 lbs (each arm)
-7 knee to elbows
-9 box jumps on 24 in box
***I completed 5 rounds. I could have done more but had to chase after Marlie a few times. Overall great day at a fun gym!
6/20/11 WOD - "Randy"
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class--my sister's first real group class with the gym.
Marlie watched "101 Dalmatians" and ate her apple slices.
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up.
Strength: One rep max for snatch.
I subbed 3x3 reps to spare heavy squats on the belly: 73 lbs x3, 83 lbs x3, 93 lbs x3.
Met-con: "Randy" 75 power snatches for time:

Marlie watched "101 Dalmatians" and ate her apple slices.
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up.
Strength: One rep max for snatch.
I subbed 3x3 reps to spare heavy squats on the belly: 73 lbs x3, 83 lbs x3, 93 lbs x3.
Met-con: "Randy" 75 power snatches for time:

Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons' wife and two children.
***I finished in 5:28--no PR today.
6/19/11 WOD
I trained alone at Elysium while Marie watched a movie.
Warm-up: Squat stretches, OHS and a few other stretches.
Strength only: 20 reps X 4 rounds of back squats. I did 105 lbs, 125 lbs, 115 lbs and 115 lbs. I jumped to much on the second round so I went down on the last two.
Warm-up: Squat stretches, OHS and a few other stretches.
Strength only: 20 reps X 4 rounds of back squats. I did 105 lbs, 125 lbs, 115 lbs and 115 lbs. I jumped to much on the second round so I went down on the last two.
6/14 and 6/17/11 WODs
6/17 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and it was TOUGH!
Warm up: CF x2
Strength: off
Metcon: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 45 minutes:
-30 kettlebell swings (1.5/1pood)
-crab walk across gym
-20 burpees
-lunge back across gym
-rest 1 minute
***I completed 6 rounds plus up to 4 burpees. OMG, I thought I was going to die. This one was mostly mental.
6/14 - I trained alone and did a spin bike workout. I used the cross-trainer setting on level 16 for 8 miles and it took me 25:35.
6/13/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie watched "Bolt" and played with some new toys in the kid zone.
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up for cleans with the barbell (plus 20 penalty burpees).
Strength: 1 rep max for cleans. Since I'm not going for maxes right now, I just did three sets of two reps at each weight: 75 lbs, 95 lbs, 105 lbs.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
1 squat clean (135/95), 1 sprint across gym
2 squat cleans, 2 sprints
3 squat cleans, 3 sprints.... as far up the ladder as you can in 15 minutes
***I completed 7 full rounds plus 4 cleans at 95 lbs. I switched to power cleans on round six since the heavy squats were a putting a little too much strain on the abdomen. Here I am in the middle of round six:
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up for cleans with the barbell (plus 20 penalty burpees).
Strength: 1 rep max for cleans. Since I'm not going for maxes right now, I just did three sets of two reps at each weight: 75 lbs, 95 lbs, 105 lbs.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
1 squat clean (135/95), 1 sprint across gym
2 squat cleans, 2 sprints
3 squat cleans, 3 sprints.... as far up the ladder as you can in 15 minutes
***I completed 7 full rounds plus 4 cleans at 95 lbs. I switched to power cleans on round six since the heavy squats were a putting a little too much strain on the abdomen. Here I am in the middle of round six:
6/11/11 - Paleo luncheon
I was still pretty sick this weekend so I decided to take a few more days off from the gym and host the first Elysium ladies paleo luncheon. Thanks to Irene's great idea, we've decided to make this a monthly event and rotate homes and recipes so that we can all learn how to cook new tasty and healthy dishes.
Everyone chipped in with either food or drinks and we had a blast. This month we did a primal version of some party favorites like pizza, chips and dips and ice cream. Here are some pics from the day courtesy of Irene:
Everyone chipped in with either food or drinks and we had a blast. This month we did a primal version of some party favorites like pizza, chips and dips and ice cream. Here are some pics from the day courtesy of Irene:
Thank you to all the lovely ladies who made it and the guys for watching the kids. Looking forward to the next one at Alessandra's house. It's going to be a backyard BBQ theme. I'm going to make a red, white and blue "potato" salad.
6/10/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class this morning after a few days off due to being sick. Not sure I was ready, my lungs were definitely limiting me today.
Strength: Front squat 3x3. I scaled to a lower weight (cannot go to PR of 145 lbs due to pregnancy) and did 3 rounds x 5 reps instead. I got 125 lbs x5, 130 x5 and 135 x5.
Met-con: Four rounds for time of:
- 25 kettlebell swings
- 25 box jumps (20 in box)
- 400 m run
I scaled due to the cold and pregnancy and did a 400 m row and switched to step-ups on round 3. ***I finished in 21:28.
Strength: Front squat 3x3. I scaled to a lower weight (cannot go to PR of 145 lbs due to pregnancy) and did 3 rounds x 5 reps instead. I got 125 lbs x5, 130 x5 and 135 x5.
Met-con: Four rounds for time of:
- 25 kettlebell swings
- 25 box jumps (20 in box)
- 400 m run
I scaled due to the cold and pregnancy and did a 400 m row and switched to step-ups on round 3. ***I finished in 21:28.
6/5 and 6/6/11 WODs
6/6 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class which was a struggle since I'm sick--ugh!
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1
Strength: Back squats 3x3. I'm going for more reps at 70 % of my max for squats and deadlifts these days due to the pregnancy. I did 115 x 5, 125 x 5 and 135 x 5.
Met-con: Too sick and tired so I just did a 2 K row. ***I got 9:24 - a near 1 minute overage from my PR.
6/5 - I trained with the 12 p.m. Elysium class -- first Sunday wod at the new gym and it was packed with a fun group!
Warm-up: Modified CF warm up x2
Met-con only: AMRAP in 15 minutes of
- 10 burpees
- lunges to the front door (about 30)
- 200 m sprint
- lunges to the back door (about 30)
***I completed 4 rounds plus 4 burpees. I thought my legs were going to be wrecked today but they're doing pretty good.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1
Strength: Back squats 3x3. I'm going for more reps at 70 % of my max for squats and deadlifts these days due to the pregnancy. I did 115 x 5, 125 x 5 and 135 x 5.
Met-con: Too sick and tired so I just did a 2 K row. ***I got 9:24 - a near 1 minute overage from my PR.
6/5 - I trained with the 12 p.m. Elysium class -- first Sunday wod at the new gym and it was packed with a fun group!
Warm-up: Modified CF warm up x2
Met-con only: AMRAP in 15 minutes of
- 10 burpees
- lunges to the front door (about 30)
- 200 m sprint
- lunges to the back door (about 30)
***I completed 4 rounds plus 4 burpees. I thought my legs were going to be wrecked today but they're doing pretty good.
6/3/11 WOD - "Grace"
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class with a great group of ladies.
Warm-up: Burgener warm up for cleans
Strength: Max clean and jerk. I got up to 120 lbs today. Although it's not a PR, I'm happy that my technique is getting better.
Met-con: "Grace"
30 clean and jerks for time.
***I finished in 5:22, NOT a PR by a long shot!
Warm-up: Burgener warm up for cleans
Strength: Max clean and jerk. I got up to 120 lbs today. Although it's not a PR, I'm happy that my technique is getting better.
Met-con: "Grace"
30 clean and jerks for time.
***I finished in 5:22, NOT a PR by a long shot!
6/1/11 WOD - My first workout at the new gym!
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Strength: front squat 3 x 5 reps. I got up to 135 lbs x5. Not going to maxes on squats anymore till this baby is born.
10 squat cleans, 115/75lbs
10 burpees
5 rounds for time (15 minute time cap)
***I did this wod as Rxd and only made it to round 4 plus 3 cleans. Off day for sure, maybe it had to do with the 5 a.m. airport run I did this morning.
Check out this useful diagram which breaks down the three main low-glycemic diets
Thanks to Ben F for posting this on the Elysium FB page: http://huntgatherlove.com/content/paleo-vs-primal-vs-atkins
Our family mostly sticks to the primal diet guidelines since we eat dairy although we try not to eat too many tubers. I've really noticed a big difference in my overall health, strength and energy since the switch in April 2010.
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I discovered at an early age that being active and fit feels great, so health and fitness have always played a major role in my life. When I was younger I was into dancing, track and field, rollerblading and bicycling. I enjoyed running and skiing all through my teens and twenties, and ran on the cross country team at CSU, Chico. After college, I trained for and ran several competitive races including the Silver Strand Half Marathon. Later I joined a big cookie-cutter gym, heavy on machines, where I designed my own workouts based on out-of-date methods I learned in college.
After my daughter, Marlie was born in early 2009, I really turned up the heat on my workouts to get back in shape. I followed my usual old routine including a moderate diet but was never able to quite get back to my original shape. A friend who was also a new mom invited me to her home a few times where they had a CrossFit garage gym. I was hooked after the first workout! It was different, intense, and best of all, not monotonous or boring. They were constantly doing something new. In only a few months, I had my pre-pregnancy body back and it was even better than before—this time I was stronger than ever, despite my previous attempts on the weight machines. Another great motivator is that the workouts are generally 30 - 45 minutes including warm-up and cool down, NOT 90 minutes like my old workouts. As a new busy mom, this is very important to me. It didn’t take long to realize this is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness during my first year of CrossFit than I had in the past 15 years of working out. I am now in my mid 30s and can easily say I am in the best shape of my life. I owe it all to two things, CrossFit and good nutrition. A healthy, well balanced diet that provides adequate sources of high quality protein, low glycemic index foods and the proper fats and oils will dramatically change your overall well-being and improve your workouts tremendously.
My successes inspire me to want to share this lifestyle with others. Health and nutrition have always been frontrunners in my life and those who value the same are invited to join us. I believe that if you’re going to do something, you should do it right; and when it comes to fitness training, that means CrossFit. CrossFit has been proven to work by measurable, observable, repeatable facts that we call “evidence-based fitness” so it's only a matter of time before you can see the results if you put the time in.
One of my mentors once told me I was training to “not suck at life.” I challenge you to do the same! Come by or email me and let’s get started!
Certifications/ Education-
- CrossFit Level I Trainer certification - 2009
- B.A: Journalism with an Option in Public Relations from CSU, Chico
- Minor: Health Sciences from CSU, Chico
- Basic Life Support (BLS) certified
- PADI Open Water Diver certified
Email: stacie@crossfitelysium.com
After my daughter, Marlie was born in early 2009, I really turned up the heat on my workouts to get back in shape. I followed my usual old routine including a moderate diet but was never able to quite get back to my original shape. A friend who was also a new mom invited me to her home a few times where they had a CrossFit garage gym. I was hooked after the first workout! It was different, intense, and best of all, not monotonous or boring. They were constantly doing something new. In only a few months, I had my pre-pregnancy body back and it was even better than before—this time I was stronger than ever, despite my previous attempts on the weight machines. Another great motivator is that the workouts are generally 30 - 45 minutes including warm-up and cool down, NOT 90 minutes like my old workouts. As a new busy mom, this is very important to me. It didn’t take long to realize this is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness during my first year of CrossFit than I had in the past 15 years of working out. I am now in my mid 30s and can easily say I am in the best shape of my life. I owe it all to two things, CrossFit and good nutrition. A healthy, well balanced diet that provides adequate sources of high quality protein, low glycemic index foods and the proper fats and oils will dramatically change your overall well-being and improve your workouts tremendously.
My successes inspire me to want to share this lifestyle with others. Health and nutrition have always been frontrunners in my life and those who value the same are invited to join us. I believe that if you’re going to do something, you should do it right; and when it comes to fitness training, that means CrossFit. CrossFit has been proven to work by measurable, observable, repeatable facts that we call “evidence-based fitness” so it's only a matter of time before you can see the results if you put the time in.
One of my mentors once told me I was training to “not suck at life.” I challenge you to do the same! Come by or email me and let’s get started!
Certifications/ Education-
- CrossFit Level I Trainer certification - 2009
- B.A: Journalism with an Option in Public Relations from CSU, Chico
- Minor: Health Sciences from CSU, Chico
- Basic Life Support (BLS) certified
- PADI Open Water Diver certified
Email: stacie@crossfitelysium.com