Strength: Close Grip bench press 5x5. I got up to 113 x 4 twice so went back to 108 x 5 my last set
Met-con: off
4/28 - I trained with the 5 p.m. Elysium class while Marlie watched and colored. Warm up: CF x2
Strength: off
- Part A: As many reps as possible in 10 minutes
Overhead squat - 95/65, 10 reps
Sumo deadlift high pull - 10 reps

rest 10 minutes
-Part B: As many reps as possible in 10 minutes
Kettlebell swing- 10 reps, 35 lb bell
Kettlebell front squat- must hold bell in proper front rack position, 7 reps, 35 lb bell
Burpees- 5 reps
***I should have recorded this earlier as now I've lost my score...oh well. I was able to keep going without stopping on the part B but those OHS on part A were killers.
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