Happy birthday to my little Mason! Thanks for putting up with my CF training at the gym this past year.
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Mason cried then slept in the kid zone. I'm so thankful to be able to train with CFE these last few days in North Park.
Skill: double-unders. First time practicing my doubles in a while. Wanted to try out the knee and see how it felt. It's okay now, I'll know by tomorrow if I should proceed with caution or back off for a little longer.
Strength: pause front squats, 10 x 2 reps @ 60% 1RM. Pause for 1-2 sec at rock bottom before standing. I subbed my usual reverse lunges at 105 lbs, two on each leg with the pause at the bottom to spare my knee.
-15 wall balls (I subbed 1.5 pood kettle bell swings to spare my knee from the squats)
-25 straight legged sit ups
(5 rounds for time. 15 min time cap.)
***I finished in 8:06
FREE CrossFit class every Sunday at noon! One mother's mission to spread the word about fitness and raise a healthy family.
10/17/12 WOD
I trained during open gym at Elysium today since Mason's nap schedule is changing and I wanted him to sleep during my workout--success on the sleeping.
Strength: Power clean and jerk, work up to max. I got up to 143 lbs. and then felt the knee a bit so decided to stop there.
Met-con: "Games Grace (modified)"
-30 power clean and jerks at 105 lbs for time.
***I finished in 5:52.
Strength: Power clean and jerk, work up to max. I got up to 143 lbs. and then felt the knee a bit so decided to stop there.
Met-con: "Games Grace (modified)"
-30 power clean and jerks at 105 lbs for time.
***I finished in 5:52.
My last few days coaching at CrossFit Elysium
With great happiness comes great sadness. Ben, Marlie, Mason and I are moving to Carlsbad in a few weeks to live by the beach--a long-time dream of ours. The decision was bittersweet as Elysium has been a second home to us these past three years and we've made so many amazing friends. Although my Elysium coaching days will be over, I still hope to train at CFE once a week or so after we are settled. You (the members and coaches) have changed my life for the better and I thank you. I feel honored and privileged to have trained along side some of the most dedicated and motivating people I have ever met and I look forward to hearing updates on everyone.
Before and after pics of Wendy - CFE's athlete of the month
Check out these before and after pics of one of our members and mother of two, Wendy. She made these changes in just seven months. Read her story at crossfitelysium.com
9/27/12 WOD
I had some great workouts last week but it's been a few days since I've posted. We've been really busy getting everyone's schedules in order around the house. Lot's of new and exciting things happening--more to come soon.
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played (without killing each other) in the kid zone.
Strength: Tempo dead-lifts 3x3 at 75%. I warmed up and did my three sets at 223 lbs.
-row 1000m
-4 mins max effort kettle bell swings
-row 1000m
***I completed both rows in a total of 8:41 (4:11 and 4:30) and did a total of 81 swings. My four mins was kind of a guess since I had to run and take a quick break to help Marls in the bathroom.
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played (without killing each other) in the kid zone.
Strength: Tempo dead-lifts 3x3 at 75%. I warmed up and did my three sets at 223 lbs.
-row 1000m
-4 mins max effort kettle bell swings
-row 1000m
***I completed both rows in a total of 8:41 (4:11 and 4:30) and did a total of 81 swings. My four mins was kind of a guess since I had to run and take a quick break to help Marls in the bathroom.
9/20/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played together in the kid zone. It's so cute to watch Marlie taking care of her little brother while we workout.
Strength: Push press + split jerk, not maxing out but aiming for repeated heavy sets. I subbed 5x3 deadlift at 80% in order to spare the knee on the jerks and get some posterior chain work in. I've been loosing a bit of strength there due to skipping squats so I'm going to be doing a lot of deads to make up for it.
Met-con: As many reps as possible in 15 mins of:
-run 400 meters (I subbed a 500 m row)
-max reps push press at 63 lbs. Back to the rower once you put the bar down.
***I completed 56 reps
Strength: Push press + split jerk, not maxing out but aiming for repeated heavy sets. I subbed 5x3 deadlift at 80% in order to spare the knee on the jerks and get some posterior chain work in. I've been loosing a bit of strength there due to skipping squats so I'm going to be doing a lot of deads to make up for it.
Met-con: As many reps as possible in 15 mins of:
-run 400 meters (I subbed a 500 m row)
-max reps push press at 63 lbs. Back to the rower once you put the bar down.
***I completed 56 reps
9/17/12 WOD
I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school and Mason played in the kid zone.
Strength: 1 rep max deadlift. I warmed up to 285 lbs. I wanted to get 300 but failed that attempt once. It will be a good retest goal in a month as my PR is 303.
Met-con: 3 rounds for time (10 min time cap):
-30 push press at 63 lbs
-250 m row
***I completed 2 rounds plus up to 60 meters in 10 mins.
Strength: 1 rep max deadlift. I warmed up to 285 lbs. I wanted to get 300 but failed that attempt once. It will be a good retest goal in a month as my PR is 303.
Met-con: 3 rounds for time (10 min time cap):
-30 push press at 63 lbs
-250 m row
***I completed 2 rounds plus up to 60 meters in 10 mins.
9/13/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marls and Mason played in the kid zone.
Strength: Max effort snatch. I got up to 120 lbs then failed 125 lbs three times. My PR is 121 so no movement today.
Met-con: AMRAP 10 mins:
-12 burpee box jumps (24"box men/ 20" women)
-12 toes to bar
***I scaled up to the 24" box and completed 4 rounds plus 6 BBJ.
Here is an example of burpee box jumps:
Strength: Max effort snatch. I got up to 120 lbs then failed 125 lbs three times. My PR is 121 so no movement today.
Met-con: AMRAP 10 mins:
-12 burpee box jumps (24"box men/ 20" women)
-12 toes to bar
***I scaled up to the 24" box and completed 4 rounds plus 6 BBJ.
Here is an example of burpee box jumps:
9/12/12 WOD - Split jerk PR
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marls was at school and Mason screamed from the swing. He ended up in the playsaucer next to me during the met-con so it worked out ok.
Strength: max effort split jerk. I got up to 170 lbs which is a 5 lb PR. I felt I could have gone a little higher so we'll see next time.
Met-con: "Helen" 3 rounds for time:
-400m run
-21 kettlebell swings
-12 pull ups
***I subbed a 500 m row for the run to spare my knees and finished in 13:07. My old PR is 11+ mins but that was with the run as Rx'd and of course my met-con was much better. Going to get back there soon!
Strength: max effort split jerk. I got up to 170 lbs which is a 5 lb PR. I felt I could have gone a little higher so we'll see next time.
Met-con: "Helen" 3 rounds for time:
-400m run
-21 kettlebell swings
-12 pull ups
***I subbed a 500 m row for the run to spare my knees and finished in 13:07. My old PR is 11+ mins but that was with the run as Rx'd and of course my met-con was much better. Going to get back there soon!
9/10/12 - WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marls was at school and Mason slept in the swing. My friend Dave was in town so he was able to join me and check out the place I spend so much of my time :-) He kicked butt and it was a blast having him!
Strength: Back squat for 3 rep max. I warmed up to and maxed out at 190 lbs today. I thought my old PR was 185 x 3 but it was actually 195 so no PR for me today.
Met-con: Tabata pull ups. 20 seconds on, 10 secs of rest for 8 cycles straight or 4 mins total. ***I completed 61 as Rx'd.
Strength: Back squat for 3 rep max. I warmed up to and maxed out at 190 lbs today. I thought my old PR was 185 x 3 but it was actually 195 so no PR for me today.
Met-con: Tabata pull ups. 20 seconds on, 10 secs of rest for 8 cycles straight or 4 mins total. ***I completed 61 as Rx'd.
9/7/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marls was at school and Mason slept in the swing in the gym kid zone.
Strength: full snatch + 2 overhead squats. I worked up to 113 lbs for the sequence.
Met-con: 10 minutes, get as many ring dips as possible. Preform 14 jumping lunges at the top of each minute. ***I completed 65 dips Rx'd.
Here is a quick example of jumping lunges:
Strength: full snatch + 2 overhead squats. I worked up to 113 lbs for the sequence.
Met-con: 10 minutes, get as many ring dips as possible. Preform 14 jumping lunges at the top of each minute. ***I completed 65 dips Rx'd.
Here is a quick example of jumping lunges:
9/4/12 WOD
Strength: 1 full clean + 2 front squats. Make a weight three times (per sequence) before advancing in weight. I worked up to 123 lbs for three sets being careful not to push my knee yet with squats.
Met-con: 10 minutes: As many reps as possible of double-unders. Complete 15 kettlebell swings (53/ 35 lbs) at the top of every minute. I scaled up to the men's weight of 53 lbs which was a mistake. I ended up having to reduce my reps to 10 during round six as I couldn't get past 12 reps per minute. ***I completed 42 DUs but was only able to get them in during four of the rounds.
Met-con: 10 minutes: As many reps as possible of double-unders. Complete 15 kettlebell swings (53/ 35 lbs) at the top of every minute. I scaled up to the men's weight of 53 lbs which was a mistake. I ended up having to reduce my reps to 10 during round six as I couldn't get past 12 reps per minute. ***I completed 42 DUs but was only able to get them in during four of the rounds.
9/3/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie had a play date and Mason slept in the kid zone.
Strength: Back squat 4x3 @100% of your 3 rep max. I warmed up to and did my four sets at 185 lbs.
Met-con: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
-Thrusters (95 lbs men/ 65 women)
-Pull ups
***I finished in 6:15 which is sadly not a PR.
Strength: Back squat 4x3 @100% of your 3 rep max. I warmed up to and did my four sets at 185 lbs.
Met-con: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
-Thrusters (95 lbs men/ 65 women)
-Pull ups
***I finished in 6:15 which is sadly not a PR.
8/31/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was at school and Alessandra took care of Mason--thanks Rhys for helping out too!
Strength: 2 power snatch + 1 full snatch. Reps do not have to be unbroken. Work technique, do NOT go heavier than 70% of 1RM. I worked up to 103 lbs for three sets of the sequence.
Met-con: Row 1000 m for time. ***I finished in 3:59 - UGH! Thought I was going to die after this...not my favorite "short" wod
Strength: 2 power snatch + 1 full snatch. Reps do not have to be unbroken. Work technique, do NOT go heavier than 70% of 1RM. I worked up to 103 lbs for three sets of the sequence.
Met-con: Row 1000 m for time. ***I finished in 3:59 - UGH! Thought I was going to die after this...not my favorite "short" wod
8/30/12 WOD
I trained during open gym hours at Elysium with Alessandra today while Mason and Marlie hung out in the kid zone.
Met-con only: "Annie" redemption:
50-40-30-20-10 double-unders and sit-ups. I scaled up to GHD sit-ups and made it through the round of 30 this time before switching to toes-to-bar. Surprisingly the doubles were the easiest part today. Don't know what it is, but high rep GHDs make me want to throw up every time.
***Finished in 25:20
Here is a video instruction for GHD sit-ups:
Met-con only: "Annie" redemption:
50-40-30-20-10 double-unders and sit-ups. I scaled up to GHD sit-ups and made it through the round of 30 this time before switching to toes-to-bar. Surprisingly the doubles were the easiest part today. Don't know what it is, but high rep GHDs make me want to throw up every time.
***Finished in 25:20
Here is a video instruction for GHD sit-ups:
8/29/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing.
Strength: push press x 3, split jerk x 2. Go for max weight for all 5 reps in a row. I worked up to 135 lbs for the final set.
Met-con: AMRAP 12 mins:
-15 overhead squats 95/65 lbs
-run 200m
***I misread the weight and did the wod with 55 lbs. I also subbed a 250 m row for the run so spare the knees and completed a total of 4 rounds plus 15 OHS.
Strength: push press x 3, split jerk x 2. Go for max weight for all 5 reps in a row. I worked up to 135 lbs for the final set.
Met-con: AMRAP 12 mins:
-15 overhead squats 95/65 lbs
-run 200m
***I misread the weight and did the wod with 55 lbs. I also subbed a 250 m row for the run so spare the knees and completed a total of 4 rounds plus 15 OHS.
8/28/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie and Mason played in the kid zone.
Strength: Back squat 3x5. I warmed up to 155 lbs and did my three sets by five reps at that weight.
Met-con: Short one toady...
-Row 500
-50 sit ups
-Row 400
-40 push ups
I finished in 13:01. Terrible day for met-con...first time in months I thought I was going to throw up. I went as slow as needed to avoid getting sick and felt like I was moving at a snails pace.
Strength: Back squat 3x5. I warmed up to 155 lbs and did my three sets by five reps at that weight.
Met-con: Short one toady...
-Row 500
-50 sit ups
-Row 400
-40 push ups
I finished in 13:01. Terrible day for met-con...first time in months I thought I was going to throw up. I went as slow as needed to avoid getting sick and felt like I was moving at a snails pace.
8/21/12 WOD - Split jerk PR
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid area.
Strength: 1 rep max split jerk. I warmed up to 145 lbs x3 and then went for singles. I got up to 167 lbs which is a 2 lb PR and think I could have gone a little heavier.
Met-con: Half "Cindy" (AMRAP 10 mins):
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 squats (I subbed 53 lb kettle swings to spare the knees)
***I completed 7 rounds plus up to 3 pulls
Strength: 1 rep max split jerk. I warmed up to 145 lbs x3 and then went for singles. I got up to 167 lbs which is a 2 lb PR and think I could have gone a little heavier.
Met-con: Half "Cindy" (AMRAP 10 mins):
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 squats (I subbed 53 lb kettle swings to spare the knees)
***I completed 7 rounds plus up to 3 pulls
8/17/12 WOD
It's been a while since I've posted. Sleep deprivation has taken it's toll once again with Mason back on sleep training. Luckily I have a bit of energy in the mornings so I've still been getting into the gym. Here is a video Coach Paul took of me doing "Randy" (75 muscle snatches at 63 lbs for time) last week. No PR but close:
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Marls was at school and Mason slept in the swing. He's getting pretty big for that so I'll have to find a new means of entertainment for him soon.
Strength: sequence of 2 power snatches + 1 squat snatch. I warmed up to 103 lbs and did three sets across at 103.
Met-con: Five rounds for time:
-40 double-unders
-15 overhead squats at 65 lbs
***I finished in 21:29.
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Marls was at school and Mason slept in the swing. He's getting pretty big for that so I'll have to find a new means of entertainment for him soon.
Strength: sequence of 2 power snatches + 1 squat snatch. I warmed up to 103 lbs and did three sets across at 103.
Met-con: Five rounds for time:
-40 double-unders
-15 overhead squats at 65 lbs
***I finished in 21:29.
7/29/12 WOD - "Isabel" PR
I trained with the 10:30 a.m. Elysium class while the kids were home with dad.
Strength: Split jerk for 1RM. I got up to 155 and stopped to spare the knee. My max is 165 lbs.
Met-con: "Isabel"
-30 snatches for time. ***Took me 4:17 which is a PR from 10+ minutes more than a year ago.
We left for a week long trip to Mexico on 7/30 where I was able to sneak in a few wods. Cute pics of the kids to follow. We also got some good zip line shots.
Strength: Split jerk for 1RM. I got up to 155 and stopped to spare the knee. My max is 165 lbs.
Met-con: "Isabel"
-30 snatches for time. ***Took me 4:17 which is a PR from 10+ minutes more than a year ago.
We left for a week long trip to Mexico on 7/30 where I was able to sneak in a few wods. Cute pics of the kids to follow. We also got some good zip line shots.
7/23, 7/25, 7/26 and 7/27/12 WODs - "Cindy," snatch and OHS PRs
Sleep deprivation has finally taken it's toll. Poor Mason has his first two teeth so he hasn't been sleeping well despite our sleep training efforts. I only have the numbers for my wod today as I've been too lazy/ tired/ exhausted the past few days to write anything down.
7/27 - I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Marls was in school and Mason slept soundly--thanks baby! It was a good group this morning, we have some great new athletes to train with.
Skill: double-unders, max reps. I got up to 20 unbroken today, my max is 30 and my mid-Aug goal is 40 so I still have some work to do. Luckily the knees seem to be back in action as of Thursday so I'm happy to start practicing all jumps again.
Strength: Overhead squat for 1 rep max. I got up to 143 lbs (new PR) today and felt I could have gone a little heavier. We'll see next time.
70 toes-to-bar for time. At the top of every minute, perform 4 burpees. ***I finished in 7:46
Also things to note this week are a new "Cindy" PR score of 17 rounds plus up to 8 squats.
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 squats
AMRAP in 20 mins
Snatch PR of 121 lbs--SO STOKED on this one!
7/27 - I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class today while Marls was in school and Mason slept soundly--thanks baby! It was a good group this morning, we have some great new athletes to train with.
Skill: double-unders, max reps. I got up to 20 unbroken today, my max is 30 and my mid-Aug goal is 40 so I still have some work to do. Luckily the knees seem to be back in action as of Thursday so I'm happy to start practicing all jumps again.
Strength: Overhead squat for 1 rep max. I got up to 143 lbs (new PR) today and felt I could have gone a little heavier. We'll see next time.
70 toes-to-bar for time. At the top of every minute, perform 4 burpees. ***I finished in 7:46
Also things to note this week are a new "Cindy" PR score of 17 rounds plus up to 8 squats.
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 squats
AMRAP in 20 mins
Snatch PR of 121 lbs--SO STOKED on this one!
7/22/12 WOD
I trained with the 10:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played in the kid zone.
Strength: I wanted to test my knee today so did 5x5 back squats at 145 lbs (65% of my max). First time squatting at all in two weeks and it felt pretty good. I'll see how it feels in the morning.
Met-con: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
-Thrusters (95 lbs men/ 65 women)
-Pull ups
***I finished in 5:36 which is a 50 second PR.
Check out this video of Jason Kaplan doing the same workout in 1:53!
Strength: I wanted to test my knee today so did 5x5 back squats at 145 lbs (65% of my max). First time squatting at all in two weeks and it felt pretty good. I'll see how it feels in the morning.
Met-con: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:
-Thrusters (95 lbs men/ 65 women)
-Pull ups
***I finished in 5:36 which is a 50 second PR.
Check out this video of Jason Kaplan doing the same workout in 1:53!
7/20/12 WOD
I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing. Amber and T were visiting so they came with.
Strength: behind the neck split jerk, 3x3. I got up to 143 lbs x 3 and 153 x 1.
met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
-row 250m
-15 unbroken kettlebell swings
-20 unbroken push jerks (75/55)
-rest one minute
***I scaled the weight up to the 53 lb bell and completed 3 rounds total.
Strength: behind the neck split jerk, 3x3. I got up to 143 lbs x 3 and 153 x 1.
met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
-row 250m
-15 unbroken kettlebell swings
-20 unbroken push jerks (75/55)
-rest one minute
***I scaled the weight up to the 53 lb bell and completed 3 rounds total.
7/18 and 7/19/12 WODs
7/19 - I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class with my sister while Ben watched the kids.
Strength: Snatch, work up as heavy as you can go. You must make a weight 5 times before you can move up in weight. I subbed five tap and go power snatches to let the knee rest a few more days and did my last set at 113 lbs.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-10 hang power cleans (135/95)
-10 toes to bar
***I finished in 7:43.
7/18 - I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason played in the kid zone.
Strength: Power cleans.
Met-con: 10 minutes total:
-3:50 mins of double-unders
-6:30 mins of burpees
***I completed 67 DUs and 102 burpees
Strength: Snatch, work up as heavy as you can go. You must make a weight 5 times before you can move up in weight. I subbed five tap and go power snatches to let the knee rest a few more days and did my last set at 113 lbs.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-10 hang power cleans (135/95)
-10 toes to bar
***I finished in 7:43.
7/18 - I trained with the 10 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason played in the kid zone.
Strength: Power cleans.
Met-con: 10 minutes total:
-3:50 mins of double-unders
-6:30 mins of burpees
***I completed 67 DUs and 102 burpees
7/16/12 WOD
I trained alone at Elysium during open gym while Marlie was in school and Mason played nearby and watched. Thanks to Alessandra for helping entertain him today.
Strength: Tempo deadlifts heaviest across three sets (3 reps each). I warmed up to 235 lbs and did the three sets at that weight. It was heavier than I thought it would be today.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 mins, work your way up the ladder as far as possible:
-2 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-4 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-6 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-8 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-10 etc etc, onwards and upwards
***I completed 12 rounds plus 12 cleans and 7 HSPU. I meant to do 14 cleans the last round but realized I miscounted when I was done--doh!
Strength: Tempo deadlifts heaviest across three sets (3 reps each). I warmed up to 235 lbs and did the three sets at that weight. It was heavier than I thought it would be today.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 mins, work your way up the ladder as far as possible:
-2 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-4 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-6 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-8 power cleans at 93 lbs & handstand push ups
-10 etc etc, onwards and upwards
***I completed 12 rounds plus 12 cleans and 7 HSPU. I meant to do 14 cleans the last round but realized I miscounted when I was done--doh!
7/13/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason slept in the swing in the kid zone.
Skill: double under practice 10 minutes.
Strength: Push press 3x3, aiming for three heavy sets across. I worked up to 143 lbs.
Met-con: 12 minutes as many rounds as possible:
-35 push press at 75 lbs
-30 double-unders
-35 hand release push ups
-30 double unders
***I completed one round plus up to 7 of the second set of dus
Skill: double under practice 10 minutes.
Strength: Push press 3x3, aiming for three heavy sets across. I worked up to 143 lbs.
Met-con: 12 minutes as many rounds as possible:
-35 push press at 75 lbs
-30 double-unders
-35 hand release push ups
-30 double unders
***I completed one round plus up to 7 of the second set of dus
7/12/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Mason and Marlie hung out in the kid zone.
Strength: 3 position snatch, bottom to top. Going as heavy as possible with good technique. First snatch is a standard from the floor snatch. Second snatch is taken to the top of the knee cap, exactly where it went in the second stop in the three stop snatch pull. From a paused position explode up and pull into a full squat. Third snatch begins from a full stand, you will bend the knees only. The bar stays in the hip while the chest stays vertical, then you jump and immediately pull under into a full overhead squat. I worked up to 103 lbs.
Met-con: 4 rounds for time:
-15 toes to bar
-15 burpee box jumps
***I subbed 20 burpees for the burpee box jumps to spare the knee and finished in 10:19
I also practiced my double-unders and got a new PR of 30 in a row--woo hoo!
Strength: 3 position snatch, bottom to top. Going as heavy as possible with good technique. First snatch is a standard from the floor snatch. Second snatch is taken to the top of the knee cap, exactly where it went in the second stop in the three stop snatch pull. From a paused position explode up and pull into a full squat. Third snatch begins from a full stand, you will bend the knees only. The bar stays in the hip while the chest stays vertical, then you jump and immediately pull under into a full overhead squat. I worked up to 103 lbs.
Met-con: 4 rounds for time:
-15 toes to bar
-15 burpee box jumps
***I subbed 20 burpees for the burpee box jumps to spare the knee and finished in 10:19
I also practiced my double-unders and got a new PR of 30 in a row--woo hoo!
7/10/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone. It was a little rough for Marls today but she made it.
Strength: 3 stop snatch pull, 4x3 @125% of max snatch. I warmed up to 143 lbs and did my 4 sets at that weight.
Here is an example:
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 mins:
-run 200m
-20 burpees
-run 200m
-rest 2 mins
***I scaled to 250m row to spare my knee and completed 2 rounds plus up to all the burpees and 50m of the next row.
Strength: 3 stop snatch pull, 4x3 @125% of max snatch. I warmed up to 143 lbs and did my 4 sets at that weight.
Here is an example:
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 15 mins:
-run 200m
-20 burpees
-run 200m
-rest 2 mins
***I scaled to 250m row to spare my knee and completed 2 rounds plus up to all the burpees and 50m of the next row.
7/9/12 WOD - PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marls was in school and Mason slept in the swing.
Strength: Snatch balance, as heavy as possible with clean technique for 3 reps in a row. I worked up to a one rep max and got 117 lbs which is a 4 lb PR.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-15 deadlifts (135/95)
- 5 thrusters (135/95)
***I scaled the workout to 15 deadlifts at 143 lbs and 7 chest to bar pull ups to spare my knee on thrusters and finished in 8:41.
Check out this video of Coach Paul exhibiting the snatch balance:
Strength: Snatch balance, as heavy as possible with clean technique for 3 reps in a row. I worked up to a one rep max and got 117 lbs which is a 4 lb PR.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-15 deadlifts (135/95)
- 5 thrusters (135/95)
***I scaled the workout to 15 deadlifts at 143 lbs and 7 chest to bar pull ups to spare my knee on thrusters and finished in 8:41.
Check out this video of Coach Paul exhibiting the snatch balance:
7/5 and 7/6/12 WODs
7/6 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason hung out in the kids zone.
Strength: didn't write it down and cannot find my notes :-(
Row 250m, then max reps 95/65lb clean and jerk in 3 min, rest 1 min. 4 cycles total.
Once again, no notes.
7/5 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kids zone.
Strength: snatch; work up to the heaviest work set by three. More than 3 fails at a given weight = done. I got up to 113 lbs.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 12 mins:
-15 ring dips
-30 air squats
***I completed 5 rounds plus 13 dips.
Strength: didn't write it down and cannot find my notes :-(
Row 250m, then max reps 95/65lb clean and jerk in 3 min, rest 1 min. 4 cycles total.
Once again, no notes.
7/5 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kids zone.
Strength: snatch; work up to the heaviest work set by three. More than 3 fails at a given weight = done. I got up to 113 lbs.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 12 mins:
-15 ring dips
-30 air squats
***I completed 5 rounds plus 13 dips.
7/2/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was in school and Mason slept in the swing.
Strength: snatch, work up to a one rep max. My PR is 118 lbs and I got up to 113 and then tried 120 and failed. I may have gotten 118 lbs with a little more time.
Met-con: Five rounds for time of:
-20 push ups
-20 KB swings (1.5 men/ 1 pood women)
***I scaled up to the men's weight on the kettle-bells and finished in 10:15.
Strength: snatch, work up to a one rep max. My PR is 118 lbs and I got up to 113 and then tried 120 and failed. I may have gotten 118 lbs with a little more time.
Met-con: Five rounds for time of:
-20 push ups
-20 KB swings (1.5 men/ 1 pood women)
***I scaled up to the men's weight on the kettle-bells and finished in 10:15.
6/29/12 WOD
I trained during Elysium's open gym this morning while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing in the kid zone.
Strength only: back squat 7x2 at 75% (165 lbs). The goal here was to test my knee at a lower weight to see how it responds. It's been a few hours and it's a bit sore but not swollen and I have good range still. We'll see in the morning...
Strength only: back squat 7x2 at 75% (165 lbs). The goal here was to test my knee at a lower weight to see how it responds. It's been a few hours and it's a bit sore but not swollen and I have good range still. We'll see in the morning...
6/28/12 WOD - Bench press PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played and slept so well in the kid zone.
Strength: bench press, go for new one rep max. I got up to 153 lbs today which is a 10 lb PR. I failed 158 lbs and then 155.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 10 mins:
-5 squat clean, (185 lbs men/ 135 lbs women)
-10 ring dips
***I completed 3 rounds plus all the cleans and up to 4 dips on the 4th round as Rx'd. Ooooo, my hip flexors are still burning!
Strength: bench press, go for new one rep max. I got up to 153 lbs today which is a 10 lb PR. I failed 158 lbs and then 155.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 10 mins:
-5 squat clean, (185 lbs men/ 135 lbs women)
-10 ring dips
***I completed 3 rounds plus all the cleans and up to 4 dips on the 4th round as Rx'd. Ooooo, my hip flexors are still burning!
Let's give our kids more sugar - Parents magazine
Check out this page in Parents magazine from the June 2012 issue:
I'm really disappointed that they are suggesting we add sugar to vegetables for kids. It's bad enough that some fruits and vegetables are being genetically engineered to be sweeter but to add more sugar on top of that? Imagine how this will effect their choices as young adults when they realize what "natural" foods really taste like without the added sweetness. That may be enough to steer them off the path altogether. Luckily many of us know better and can lead and teach by example. Two steps forward, 10 steps back I guess. Thoughts?
I'm really disappointed that they are suggesting we add sugar to vegetables for kids. It's bad enough that some fruits and vegetables are being genetically engineered to be sweeter but to add more sugar on top of that? Imagine how this will effect their choices as young adults when they realize what "natural" foods really taste like without the added sweetness. That may be enough to steer them off the path altogether. Luckily many of us know better and can lead and teach by example. Two steps forward, 10 steps back I guess. Thoughts?
6/26/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Mason slept in the kid zone swing and Tori and Olivia entertained Marlie with an art class--Thanks!
Strength: 2 front squats + 1 split jerk; 8 sets of the complex, as heavy as possible. I did the squats at 1 and a half each (go to bottom, raise back to parallel, pause, back to bottom and then up to the top) and worked up to 145 lbs for the complex. I tried for 165 lbs twice but failed the jerk both times. That would have been a two lb PR on my jerk so not surprised I failed as my legs were tired from the preceding squats.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-5 squat clean thrusters, (135 lbs men/ 95 women)
-7 burpees
***I finished in 8:45 as Rx'd
Here is a short video on how to squat clean thruster:
Strength: 2 front squats + 1 split jerk; 8 sets of the complex, as heavy as possible. I did the squats at 1 and a half each (go to bottom, raise back to parallel, pause, back to bottom and then up to the top) and worked up to 145 lbs for the complex. I tried for 165 lbs twice but failed the jerk both times. That would have been a two lb PR on my jerk so not surprised I failed as my legs were tired from the preceding squats.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-5 squat clean thrusters, (135 lbs men/ 95 women)
-7 burpees
***I finished in 8:45 as Rx'd
Here is a short video on how to squat clean thruster:
6/25/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Mason slept in the kid zone swing.
Strength: speed bench 8 x 2 reps @ 65% 1RM. My max is 143 lbs so I warmed up to 93 lbs and did the 8 sets at that weight.
Met-con: AMRAP 15 min:
-20 sit ups
-15 box jumps, 24 in (Games standards, show control at top).
***I scaled to 15 GHD sit ups and 10 chest to bar pull ups to spare the knee and completed 6 rounds plus 15 GHD sit ups.
Here is a quick video of Coach Glassman explaining the GHD sit up:
Strength: speed bench 8 x 2 reps @ 65% 1RM. My max is 143 lbs so I warmed up to 93 lbs and did the 8 sets at that weight.
Met-con: AMRAP 15 min:
-20 sit ups
-15 box jumps, 24 in (Games standards, show control at top).
***I scaled to 15 GHD sit ups and 10 chest to bar pull ups to spare the knee and completed 6 rounds plus 15 GHD sit ups.
Here is a quick video of Coach Glassman explaining the GHD sit up:
6/24/12 WOD
I trained with and led the 10:30 a.m. Elysium class then joined the 12 p.m. class for an additional met-con. Marlie and Mason hung with their dad all morning. Thanks Ben!
5x1 of the following sequence: two overhead squats plus one snatch balance. I worked up to 113 lbs and failed the snatch balance twice. Bummer since my SB max is 115 lbs.
Here is a quick video of the snatch balance: CLICK HERE
Met-con 1: I rowed 1500 m rather than the heavy clean and jerk wod the rest of the class did. My knee needs a little more rest and I am hopeful it will be okay again later this week.
Met-con 2: As many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
-200 m run (I subbed a 250 m row)
-15 kettle bell swings at 35 lbs (I scaled to the 53 lb bell)
-10 burpees
***I completed 5 rounds plus an additional 250 m row.
5x1 of the following sequence: two overhead squats plus one snatch balance. I worked up to 113 lbs and failed the snatch balance twice. Bummer since my SB max is 115 lbs.
Here is a quick video of the snatch balance: CLICK HERE
Met-con 1: I rowed 1500 m rather than the heavy clean and jerk wod the rest of the class did. My knee needs a little more rest and I am hopeful it will be okay again later this week.
Met-con 2: As many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
-200 m run (I subbed a 250 m row)
-15 kettle bell swings at 35 lbs (I scaled to the 53 lb bell)
-10 burpees
***I completed 5 rounds plus an additional 250 m row.
6/21/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone.
Strength: bench press 5x2 at 90%. I did several warm up sets until I got to my working weight of 128 lbs and then did the five sets at that weight.
Strength: bench press 5x2 at 90%. I did several warm up sets until I got to my working weight of 128 lbs and then did the five sets at that weight.
6/20/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason slept in the kid zone.
Skill: Pistols
Strength: Four sets max effort strict pull ups. If you have 10+ strict pull ups practice strict chest to bars.
Met-con: for time:
50/25, 40/20, 30/15, 20/10, 10/5
-toes to bar
***I finished in 14:44
6/19/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie, Winston and Mason hung out in the kid zone.
Strength: power clean+hang squat clean+ split jerk. Work up to 5 heavy single sequences. Since my knee is still a little swollen, I scaled to power clean+hang clean+front squat (slow). I worked up to 128 lbs.
Met-con: 10 rounds. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off:
-burpee box jumps
***I completed 59 reps
rest 1 minute 400m run
Strength: power clean+hang squat clean+ split jerk. Work up to 5 heavy single sequences. Since my knee is still a little swollen, I scaled to power clean+hang clean+front squat (slow). I worked up to 128 lbs.
Met-con: 10 rounds. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off:
-burpee box jumps
***I completed 59 reps
rest 1 minute 400m run
6/18/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason slept in the kid zone.
Strength: 10x2 bench press at 65% of your max bench. I warmed up to 93 lbs then did the 10 sets at that weight.
Met-con: for time, 5 rounds
-200 meter sprint
-max effort thrusters 135/95
rest 1:1
***I scaled to 250 m row instead of run and 103 lb power cleans and did a total of 33 cleans.
Strength: 10x2 bench press at 65% of your max bench. I warmed up to 93 lbs then did the 10 sets at that weight.
Met-con: for time, 5 rounds
-200 meter sprint
-max effort thrusters 135/95
rest 1:1
***I scaled to 250 m row instead of run and 103 lb power cleans and did a total of 33 cleans.
6/15/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason slept in the kid zone.
Skill: pistols. I worked on handstand push ups since my knee is not yet back to normal.
Strength: Bench press 5x3 @90%. My max is 143 lbs so I warmed up to 128 lbs and did the five sets at that weight.
Met-con: AMRAP in 8 minutes:
-2 front squats (115/75)/ 2- toes to bar
-4 front squats/ 4 toes to bar
-6 front squats/ 6 toes to bar
onwards and upwards
To spare my knee I scaled to 103 lbs power cleans and completed up to round of 10 plus 1 toes-to-bar.
Skill: pistols. I worked on handstand push ups since my knee is not yet back to normal.
Strength: Bench press 5x3 @90%. My max is 143 lbs so I warmed up to 128 lbs and did the five sets at that weight.
Met-con: AMRAP in 8 minutes:
-2 front squats (115/75)/ 2- toes to bar
-4 front squats/ 4 toes to bar
-6 front squats/ 6 toes to bar
onwards and upwards
To spare my knee I scaled to 103 lbs power cleans and completed up to round of 10 plus 1 toes-to-bar.
6/12/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played in the kid zone.
Strength: 5 sets x 1 Shenkle complex. If you have done the Shenkle complex before, aim to go heavier across all 5 sets then you have before. I did this about a month ago at 125 lbs so today I did it with 133 lbs. Here is an example of one set of the complex:
Met-con: 9-7-5 reps of
-power clean (135/95)
***I scaled the weight up to 125 lbs and finished in 5:33 mins. My knee was pretty beat up and swollen after this so I'll be icing and resting for the next two days.
Strength: 5 sets x 1 Shenkle complex. If you have done the Shenkle complex before, aim to go heavier across all 5 sets then you have before. I did this about a month ago at 125 lbs so today I did it with 133 lbs. Here is an example of one set of the complex:
Met-con: 9-7-5 reps of
-power clean (135/95)
***I scaled the weight up to 125 lbs and finished in 5:33 mins. My knee was pretty beat up and swollen after this so I'll be icing and resting for the next two days.
6/10/12 Intramural competition
I participated in the 2nd Elysium intramural competition today and competed in four events. Our team lost but I was able to get a few PRs so not a total loss. Also, I was able to compete alongside some fine athletes so it was a great day overall.
Here I am getting 303 lbs on my deadlift which is a 6 lb PR.
I also rowed 1000 m in 3:43 which is a 17 sec PR.
Here I am getting 303 lbs on my deadlift which is a 6 lb PR.
I also rowed 1000 m in 3:43 which is a 17 sec PR.
6/8/12 WOD - Double-under PR
I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class while Marls was in school and Mason played with Rhys for two hours--thanks little guy!
Skill: pistols. So much better at these now it feels great.
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I warmed up to 195 lbs and did the three sets at that weight.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 8 mins:
-20 push ups
-20 sit ups
***Paul had me scale to 10 ring dips and 10 toes-to-bar and I was able to do the first round and a half without the band. Then I added the purple band for the dips and did 5 rounds total.
I'm dedicated to getting 40 unbroken double-unders by 8/15 so I did 15 mins of double-under practice after class. For the first time in my life I did them consecutively--thanks Leon and Alessandra for your help in coaching. I got up to 12 unbroken whereas up until now I had to do single, double, single, double, etc. This is a HUGE milestone for me. I was so happy I nearly cried :-)
Skill: pistols. So much better at these now it feels great.
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I warmed up to 195 lbs and did the three sets at that weight.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 8 mins:
-20 push ups
-20 sit ups
***Paul had me scale to 10 ring dips and 10 toes-to-bar and I was able to do the first round and a half without the band. Then I added the purple band for the dips and did 5 rounds total.
I'm dedicated to getting 40 unbroken double-unders by 8/15 so I did 15 mins of double-under practice after class. For the first time in my life I did them consecutively--thanks Leon and Alessandra for your help in coaching. I got up to 12 unbroken whereas up until now I had to do single, double, single, double, etc. This is a HUGE milestone for me. I was so happy I nearly cried :-)
6/5/12 WOD -- Pistol PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marls and Mason hung out in the kid zone. They were so good today--thanks guys!
Skill: pistols. This is exciting for me as today is the first that I've been able to do these as Rx'd. Due to my bad knee history I've always had trouble with range, flexibility and strength but all that is behind me...check out the video!
Strength: 5 sets of the complex--2 front squats + 2 split jerks, as heavy as possible. I warmed up to 135 lbs and did one set then did the remaining four sets at 155 lbs.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 10 mins:
-15 pull ups
-200m sprint
***I scaled my pulls to 8 chest-to-bar pull ups and completed 5 rounds. Going to be working these a lot more now to prepare for the competition mid August.
Skill: pistols. This is exciting for me as today is the first that I've been able to do these as Rx'd. Due to my bad knee history I've always had trouble with range, flexibility and strength but all that is behind me...check out the video!
Strength: 5 sets of the complex--2 front squats + 2 split jerks, as heavy as possible. I warmed up to 135 lbs and did one set then did the remaining four sets at 155 lbs.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 10 mins:
-15 pull ups
-200m sprint
***I scaled my pulls to 8 chest-to-bar pull ups and completed 5 rounds. Going to be working these a lot more now to prepare for the competition mid August.
6/4/12 WOD - Bench press PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marls was at school and Mason slept in the swing.
Strength: Bench press, work up to your one rep max. I got up to 143 lbs The last PR I had written down was 123 lbs x3 so I'll take it!
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 12 mins:
-7 power snatches
-burpees jumping over the barbell
***I scaled up and did squat snatches and completed 6 rounds plus up to 6 snatches.
Strength: Bench press, work up to your one rep max. I got up to 143 lbs The last PR I had written down was 123 lbs x3 so I'll take it!
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 12 mins:
-7 power snatches
-burpees jumping over the barbell
***I scaled up and did squat snatches and completed 6 rounds plus up to 6 snatches.
6/3/12 WOD
I trained with the 10:30 a.m. Elysium class while coaching at the same time. Ben and the kids joined me at the gym afterwards to hang out.
Strength: snatch for one rep max. I got up to 123 lbs for squat snatch and 128 lbs for power snatch. I failed the squat at 128 lbs but think I'm close and maybe could have done it if we had a bit more time.
Met-con: "Grace"
30 clean and jerks for time 135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women
***I finished in 4:01. UGH!! Was aiming for sub-4 mins.
Strength: snatch for one rep max. I got up to 123 lbs for squat snatch and 128 lbs for power snatch. I failed the squat at 128 lbs but think I'm close and maybe could have done it if we had a bit more time.
Met-con: "Grace"
30 clean and jerks for time 135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women
***I finished in 4:01. UGH!! Was aiming for sub-4 mins.
6/1/12 WOD -- Clean and jerk PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason slept in the kid zone swing.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: clean and jerk, 1 rep max. I got up to 163 lbs which is an 18-lb pr on the clean and an 8-lb pr on the split jerk. SO EXCITED!! What a day at CFE--PRs were had by many.
Met-con: "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 reps of double-unders, sit ups.
***I finished in 17:30--UGH! Three mins over my PR--lungs were just not having it today. Funny, I was reminiscing today how I used to do the met-cons and skip the strength a lot when I first started CrossFitting and had to train alone. Now I enjoy the strength more and could do without the met-cons half the time. Guess I need to train the later more.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: clean and jerk, 1 rep max. I got up to 163 lbs which is an 18-lb pr on the clean and an 8-lb pr on the split jerk. SO EXCITED!! What a day at CFE--PRs were had by many.
Met-con: "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 reps of double-unders, sit ups.
***I finished in 17:30--UGH! Three mins over my PR--lungs were just not having it today. Funny, I was reminiscing today how I used to do the met-cons and skip the strength a lot when I first started CrossFitting and had to train alone. Now I enjoy the strength more and could do without the met-cons half the time. Guess I need to train the later more.
5/30/12 WOD
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: Handstand push-up work. I can get up to 10 in a row with kipping now.
Strength: strict pull ups, 3 max effort sets. I got 8, 6, 6
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-20 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood men/ 1 pood women (53 lbs/ 35 lbs)
-40 squats
-90 secs rest
***I scaled up to the men's weight and finished the five rounds with rest in 15:34.
Skill: Handstand push-up work. I can get up to 10 in a row with kipping now.
Strength: strict pull ups, 3 max effort sets. I got 8, 6, 6
Met-con: 5 rounds for time:
-20 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood men/ 1 pood women (53 lbs/ 35 lbs)
-40 squats
-90 secs rest
***I scaled up to the men's weight and finished the five rounds with rest in 15:34.
5/29/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone. They were so good today--thanks kids!
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1 and Burgener warm-up for clean and jerk
Strength: clean and jerk, 7 x 1 reps. Once warmed up with light weight, start your sets at 60% and add weight in 5% increments each set up to 90%, then do three reps at 90%. My max is 145 lbs so I did my 90% at 130 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP in 8 mins:
-15 burpees
-run 200m
***I completed 3 rounds plus up to about half the run on the 4th round.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1 and Burgener warm-up for clean and jerk
Strength: clean and jerk, 7 x 1 reps. Once warmed up with light weight, start your sets at 60% and add weight in 5% increments each set up to 90%, then do three reps at 90%. My max is 145 lbs so I did my 90% at 130 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP in 8 mins:
-15 burpees
-run 200m
***I completed 3 rounds plus up to about half the run on the 4th round.
5/23/12 WOD
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x2
Skill: Handstand push up practice
Strength: Back squat, 5x2 at 90% of your one rep max. Mine is 225 lbs so I warmed up to 203 lbs for my five sets.
Met-con: 3 rounds for time:
-200m run
-15 strict pull ups
-45 air squats
-rest 1 minute
***I finished in 15:22 as Rx'd
Skill: Handstand push up practice
Strength: Back squat, 5x2 at 90% of your one rep max. Mine is 225 lbs so I warmed up to 203 lbs for my five sets.
Met-con: 3 rounds for time:
-200m run
-15 strict pull ups
-45 air squats
-rest 1 minute
***I finished in 15:22 as Rx'd
5/22/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone. They were really good today despite Mason's hard time with teething this week.
Warm-up: 30 burpees and the Burgener warm-up for clean
Strength: 3x3, three position clean. I warmed up to 85% of my 1 rep max and did my three sets at 123 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP in 15 mins
-10 power cleans (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
-15 burpees
-rest 1 minute
***I completed 6 rounds plus up to 5 cleans with all of the cleans done unbroken. Here I am on round three:
Hmmm, on second review I see I miscounted the burpee reps. I guess I'll have to redo this one.
Warm-up: 30 burpees and the Burgener warm-up for clean
Strength: 3x3, three position clean. I warmed up to 85% of my 1 rep max and did my three sets at 123 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP in 15 mins
-10 power cleans (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
-15 burpees
-rest 1 minute
***I completed 6 rounds plus up to 5 cleans with all of the cleans done unbroken. Here I am on round three:
Hmmm, on second review I see I miscounted the burpee reps. I guess I'll have to redo this one.
5/20/12 WOD
I trained with the 10:30 a.m. Elysium elite class while Marlie and Mason hung with daddy at home--thanks Ben!
Warm-up: CrossFit Warm-up x1, 10 handstand push ups, 300 m row and some mobility work.
Strength: 1 rep max behind the neck split jerk. I warmed up with about seven sets before going to 160 lbs and then 165 lbs x1. This is 10 lbs over my front rack split jerk so I'm guessing it's a PR. Then, 1x20 back squats at 75%. I got up to 13 at 170 lbs then bailed. My back was burning under the bar and my right knee was cracking so I just didn't want to push it.
Met-con: Partner workout of AMRAP in 15 mins:
-20 clean and jerks at (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women) one partner works at a time
-200 m partner carry, switch partners at the 100 m mark
***We completed 3 rounds plus up to 9 clean and jerks. Luckily I had a great partner, Anthony and we worked out a good system carrying each other like a barbell on our upper backs (or the fireman carry--see below):
Warm-up: CrossFit Warm-up x1, 10 handstand push ups, 300 m row and some mobility work.
Strength: 1 rep max behind the neck split jerk. I warmed up with about seven sets before going to 160 lbs and then 165 lbs x1. This is 10 lbs over my front rack split jerk so I'm guessing it's a PR. Then, 1x20 back squats at 75%. I got up to 13 at 170 lbs then bailed. My back was burning under the bar and my right knee was cracking so I just didn't want to push it.
Met-con: Partner workout of AMRAP in 15 mins:
-20 clean and jerks at (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women) one partner works at a time
-200 m partner carry, switch partners at the 100 m mark
***We completed 3 rounds plus up to 9 clean and jerks. Luckily I had a great partner, Anthony and we worked out a good system carrying each other like a barbell on our upper backs (or the fireman carry--see below):
5/17/12 WOD
Warm-up: 30 burpees and CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: tempo deadlift 3x5, same weight you used for 3 reps last week. I warmed up with four weights then did the three sets of five at 145 lbs
Met-con: AMRAP in 11 mins
-20 kettle bell front squats
-100m kettle bell suitcase carry
-20 kettle bell front squats
-100m kettle bell suitcase carry
***I completed 2 rounds
Strength: tempo deadlift 3x5, same weight you used for 3 reps last week. I warmed up with four weights then did the three sets of five at 145 lbs
Met-con: AMRAP in 11 mins
-20 kettle bell front squats
-100m kettle bell suitcase carry
-20 kettle bell front squats
-100m kettle bell suitcase carry
***I completed 2 rounds
5/16/12 WOD - snatch PRs
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing. He is so good these days despite the cold and really lets me take my time at the gym--thanks little guy!
Warm-up: 30 burpees and the Burgener war-up for snatch
Strength: power snatch x2 + full snatch x1. I got up to 120 lbs for the power but only 118 lbs on the squat (failed my attempt at 120). I'll take both though since they are both PRs!
Met-con: 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off for four cycles total:
-10 power snatches (95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women)
-20- hand release push ups
***I scaled up to squat snatches and completed 3 rounds plus up to 7 push ups.
Warm-up: 30 burpees and the Burgener war-up for snatch
Strength: power snatch x2 + full snatch x1. I got up to 120 lbs for the power but only 118 lbs on the squat (failed my attempt at 120). I'll take both though since they are both PRs!
Met-con: 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off for four cycles total:
-10 power snatches (95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women)
-20- hand release push ups
***I scaled up to squat snatches and completed 3 rounds plus up to 7 push ups.
5/15/12 WOD
Met-con only today at home while Mason napped in his crib and Marls was at school. I did a 10 mi spin bike workout. ***Finished in 33:04 and burned 302 cals.
5/14/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing.
Warm-up: run 400m and Burgener warm-up for clean
Strength: power clean x2 plus 1 full clean. I warmed up to and maxed out at 143 lbs
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 12 mins:
-20 toes to bar
-20 burpees
-40 double-unders
***I completed 1 round plus up to 34 double-unders
Warm-up: run 400m and Burgener warm-up for clean
Strength: power clean x2 plus 1 full clean. I warmed up to and maxed out at 143 lbs
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 12 mins:
-20 toes to bar
-20 burpees
-40 double-unders
***I completed 1 round plus up to 34 double-unders
5/13/12 WOD, elite class - PR
I trained with the 10:30 a.m. Elysium elite class while I coached at the same time. Ben was home with the kiddies who brought me flowers and a cute card with breakfast this morning after I slept in--what a treat!
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1, foam rolling, squat stretches, 10 handstand push-ups and muscle up work.
Here I am working on HSPU:
Strength: snatch for 1RM. I got up to 113 lbs for squat and 118 for power snatch into a overhead squat. My squat snatch PR is 115 so I didn't get it today but I'll take the power snatch PR of 118 lbs.
Met-con A: AMRAP in 12 mins of:
-5 chest to bar pull ups
-10 handstand push-ups
-15 front squats (95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women)
***I completed 3 rounds plus up to 2 HSPU.
Rest for 12 mins, then
Met-con B: AMRAP in 3 mins
***I did 29 :-(
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1, foam rolling, squat stretches, 10 handstand push-ups and muscle up work.
Here I am working on HSPU:
Strength: snatch for 1RM. I got up to 113 lbs for squat and 118 for power snatch into a overhead squat. My squat snatch PR is 115 so I didn't get it today but I'll take the power snatch PR of 118 lbs.
Met-con A: AMRAP in 12 mins of:
-5 chest to bar pull ups
-10 handstand push-ups
-15 front squats (95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women)
***I completed 3 rounds plus up to 2 HSPU.
Rest for 12 mins, then
Met-con B: AMRAP in 3 mins
***I did 29 :-(
5/11/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: mid-hang Shenkle complex, 5 x 1 reps @ 86% (125 lbs). This was harder than I thought it would be as I was pretty tired from the first four pulls for the fifth move: hang squat clean. The final two moves (split jerks) were pretty easy since my overhead is stronger than my clean.
-15 toes to bar
-run 200m
Five rounds for time (15 min cap). ***I finished in 14:53--ugh, stupid cold is still lingering!
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: mid-hang Shenkle complex, 5 x 1 reps @ 86% (125 lbs). This was harder than I thought it would be as I was pretty tired from the first four pulls for the fifth move: hang squat clean. The final two moves (split jerks) were pretty easy since my overhead is stronger than my clean.
-15 toes to bar
-run 200m
Five rounds for time (15 min cap). ***I finished in 14:53--ugh, stupid cold is still lingering!
5/10/12 WOD
Warm-up: CF warm-up x 1
Skill: Handstand push up work. Paul showed me how to kip a different way today and it worked! I got three legit (head touches the ground and elbows locked out at the top) HSPUs in a row--twice! Looking forward to doing any wod including HSPU as Rx'd.
Here is a good example of the kipping handstand push up:
Strength: tempo deadlifts 3 x 3 @ 100% 1RM clean weight. I warmed up to 143 lbs then did the three work sets.
every min on the min perform 2 full squat clean and split jerks (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women). In the remaining time perform double-unders. Eight mins total and your score is total number of doubles. ***I got 27 DU. I blew through the clean and jerks then was stopped dead in my tracks on the double-unders. Just when I was making good headway on these this cold kept me down--ugh! I'll take the victory on the HSPU though. Good day over all.
Skill: Handstand push up work. Paul showed me how to kip a different way today and it worked! I got three legit (head touches the ground and elbows locked out at the top) HSPUs in a row--twice! Looking forward to doing any wod including HSPU as Rx'd.
Here is a good example of the kipping handstand push up:
Strength: tempo deadlifts 3 x 3 @ 100% 1RM clean weight. I warmed up to 143 lbs then did the three work sets.
every min on the min perform 2 full squat clean and split jerks (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women). In the remaining time perform double-unders. Eight mins total and your score is total number of doubles. ***I got 27 DU. I blew through the clean and jerks then was stopped dead in my tracks on the double-unders. Just when I was making good headway on these this cold kept me down--ugh! I'll take the victory on the HSPU though. Good day over all.
5/8/12 WOD
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: hand stand push up work, +/- max effort set. I worked to 1 in above the ground 3x3 then did negative singles to the ground.
Strength: back squat, 3 x 3 reps @ 85% 1RM. I warmed up to 185 lbs and then did the three sets.
2 pull ups, 2 push ups
4 pull ups, 4 push ups
6 and 6, 8 and 8, etc
-as high as possible in 8 min. ***I got up to the round of 12 or 14 (cannot remember) and 8 pulls.
Skill: hand stand push up work, +/- max effort set. I worked to 1 in above the ground 3x3 then did negative singles to the ground.
Strength: back squat, 3 x 3 reps @ 85% 1RM. I warmed up to 185 lbs and then did the three sets.
2 pull ups, 2 push ups
4 pull ups, 4 push ups
6 and 6, 8 and 8, etc
-as high as possible in 8 min. ***I got up to the round of 12 or 14 (cannot remember) and 8 pulls.
5/7/12 WOD - Clean and jerk PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing. I was dreading the met-con since I'm still sick.
Warm-up: Burgener for clean and jerk
Strength: clean and jerk, 1RM. I got up to 145 lbs which is a 2 lb PR for the squat clean.
Met-con: row 500 m, then immediately run 400 m. ***I finished the row in 1:55 and the run in 2:20. Ugh, my lungs are just now working these days.
Warm-up: Burgener for clean and jerk
Strength: clean and jerk, 1RM. I got up to 145 lbs which is a 2 lb PR for the squat clean.
Met-con: row 500 m, then immediately run 400 m. ***I finished the row in 1:55 and the run in 2:20. Ugh, my lungs are just now working these days.
5/3/12 WOD - Back squat PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played in the kid zone.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: back squat, work up to 1 rep max. I got up to 225 lbs which is a PR by 20 lbs.
Met-con: Still really sick so met-con off today and tomorrow.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: back squat, work up to 1 rep max. I got up to 225 lbs which is a PR by 20 lbs.
Met-con: Still really sick so met-con off today and tomorrow.
4/30/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marls was at school and Mason slept in the swing. Today was the first day in a week that I felt a bit better but still had a hard time breathing.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: rope climbs
Strength: back squat 5 x 3 reps at 60%. I worked with 123 lbs for my five sets after warming up with four lighter sets.
-5 hang power cleans (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
-3 push jerks, 135/95lb
45 sec on, rest 15 sec, 8 cycles total
***I completed 11 rounds as Rx'd
4/27/12 WOD - PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marls was in school and Mason slept in the kid zone.
Warm-up: 40 burpees and CrossFit warm-up x1
* you have until 5 minutes after class starts to have the 40 burpees done. If you take longer then 4 minutes after class, then you get to finish 50 burpees after class. As well, burpees can't be started until the class time starts.
Skill: Muscle up work. I worked the transition from a seated position using a band, the swing, swing to hip pulls and finally several attempts at the whole enchilada. SO close, it's just a matter of time.
Here is my girl Alessandra getting her first one back at the old gym, can't wait!
Strength: push press 3x3. I got up to 140 lbs x 3 - PR by 3 lbs! It's the little gains that matter most :-)
Warm-up: 40 burpees and CrossFit warm-up x1
* you have until 5 minutes after class starts to have the 40 burpees done. If you take longer then 4 minutes after class, then you get to finish 50 burpees after class. As well, burpees can't be started until the class time starts.
Skill: Muscle up work. I worked the transition from a seated position using a band, the swing, swing to hip pulls and finally several attempts at the whole enchilada. SO close, it's just a matter of time.
Here is my girl Alessandra getting her first one back at the old gym, can't wait!
Strength: push press 3x3. I got up to 140 lbs x 3 - PR by 3 lbs! It's the little gains that matter most :-)
4/26/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone.
Warm-up: 30 burpees and CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: pause back squats--10 x 2 at 60% of your 1RM (one rep max). Mine is based off of 206 lbs so I did the 10 sets at 123 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 12 mins
-50 double-unders
-15 toes to bar
***I completed 1 round plus up to 32 doubles. Tough two days at the gym mentally. Doubles are not my strength. A muscle up tomorrow would definitely make up for it though.
Warm-up: 30 burpees and CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: pause back squats--10 x 2 at 60% of your 1RM (one rep max). Mine is based off of 206 lbs so I did the 10 sets at 123 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 12 mins
-50 double-unders
-15 toes to bar
***I completed 1 round plus up to 32 doubles. Tough two days at the gym mentally. Doubles are not my strength. A muscle up tomorrow would definitely make up for it though.
4/25/12 WOD
I took a few days off due to a trip to the east coast and ended up getting a cold. I hope I didn't push it today.
Warm-up: 30 burpees + Burgener warm-up for the snatch.
Strength: 3 position power snatch. I made up the back squat program from Monday: 6 x 2 reps at 90% (185 lbs) of my 1 rep max (206 lbs).
Met-con: 4 rounds as fast as possible:
-15 pull ups
-20 hang snatches (75 lbs men/ 55 women)
-rest 1 minute
***I finished in 16:51. I was aiming for sub 14 but the lack of ability to breathe and my hand tears were pulling me down. Tomorrow is a new day!
4/17/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie had a play date and Mason slept in the swing at the gym.
Warm-up: 20 burpees and Burgener warm-up for the clean
Strength: three position power clean, working up to a heavy set of three. Aiming to land in a solid high elbow quarter squat each rep. My weight is in the book at the gym...tbd.
Met-con: As far up the ladder as you can get in 12 minutes:
3- kettlebell swings 5-double unders
6- kettlebell swings 10- double unders
9- kettlebell swings 15 doube unders
onward and upward, sets do not have to be unbroken. ***I got up the the round of 15 plus 9 swings. My doubles are still bad but getting better everyday.
4/16/12 WOD
Warm-up: run 400m + CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: Back squats
beginner- 3x3 @ 85%
inter/advanced- 5x3 @ 85%
***I did five warm-up sets building up to my 85% at 175 lbs then did the five sets.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
run 200m
15 burpees
20 air squats
***I completed three rounds and up to nine burpees.
Strength: Back squats
beginner- 3x3 @ 85%
inter/advanced- 5x3 @ 85%
***I did five warm-up sets building up to my 85% at 175 lbs then did the five sets.
Met-con: As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
run 200m
15 burpees
20 air squats
***I completed three rounds and up to nine burpees.
4/15/12 WOD - Elite class
I trained with and coached the 10:30 a.m. elite Elysium class while Ben stayed with the kids. Thanks sweets!
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1, row 500
Strength: Build up to 1RM of snatch balance complex:
- snatch grip push press from the back
- OHS (overhead squat)
- snatch balance
Complete all three moves unbroken once, then move up in weight progressively to reach your one rep max. ***I got up to 98 lbs twice. I didn't go higher as I was really trying to land in the bottom of the squat on the balance portion.
Here is Sage Burgener doing a snatch balance:
Row 500 m for time. I finished in 1:52, no PR there.
Rest 5 mins
4 rounds for time:
-5 OHS (135/95)
-10 burpees
-15 toes to bar
***I finished in 15:39 which was longer than I anticipated--was aiming for sub 12. Those squats were HEAVY!
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1, row 500
Strength: Build up to 1RM of snatch balance complex:
- snatch grip push press from the back
- OHS (overhead squat)
- snatch balance
Complete all three moves unbroken once, then move up in weight progressively to reach your one rep max. ***I got up to 98 lbs twice. I didn't go higher as I was really trying to land in the bottom of the squat on the balance portion.
Here is Sage Burgener doing a snatch balance:
Row 500 m for time. I finished in 1:52, no PR there.
Rest 5 mins
4 rounds for time:
-5 OHS (135/95)
-10 burpees
-15 toes to bar
***I finished in 15:39 which was longer than I anticipated--was aiming for sub 12. Those squats were HEAVY!
4/13/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Mason played in the playsaucer and it was packed.
Warm-up: run 400, CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: muscle up practice.
Strength: push press 3 x 3 reps. I got 133 lbs x3 and 138 x1 then failed the 2nd rep.
Met-con: As many reps as possible in 10 min of unbroken kettle bell swings, (53 lbs men/ 35 lbs women); each time the KB is put down, do 5 burpees.
***I scaled up and did the men's weight for a total of 111 swings in the 10 mins.
Warm-up: run 400, CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: muscle up practice.
Strength: push press 3 x 3 reps. I got 133 lbs x3 and 138 x1 then failed the 2nd rep.
Met-con: As many reps as possible in 10 min of unbroken kettle bell swings, (53 lbs men/ 35 lbs women); each time the KB is put down, do 5 burpees.
***I scaled up and did the men's weight for a total of 111 swings in the 10 mins.
4/12/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Luca pretended to practice Krav Maga on each other and Mason slept in the swing.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: Pause back squats, 10 x 2 reps @ 50% 1RM (one rep max). Since I don't have a current 1RM PR and my old one is less than my 3RM (197 lbs x3) I warmed up to 50% of 206 lbs (guesstimate).
Go down to the rock bottom of the squat, pause for 5 sec, then stand as explosively as possible.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 3 mins; rest 1 min. 4 cycles total of:
-10 hang power cleans, 95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women
-10 push press, 95/65 lbs
***I completed 7 rounds plus 7 hpc the first round at 55 lbs (oops) then realized my weight mistake and did the remainder of the rounds at 65 lbs for a total of 13 rounds. SO bummed I screwed up the weight as I felt like I was going pretty fast even after adjusting to the heavier weight. And I have the bruises to prove it!
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: Pause back squats, 10 x 2 reps @ 50% 1RM (one rep max). Since I don't have a current 1RM PR and my old one is less than my 3RM (197 lbs x3) I warmed up to 50% of 206 lbs (guesstimate).
Go down to the rock bottom of the squat, pause for 5 sec, then stand as explosively as possible.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 3 mins; rest 1 min. 4 cycles total of:
-10 hang power cleans, 95 lbs men/ 65 lbs women
-10 push press, 95/65 lbs
***I completed 7 rounds plus 7 hpc the first round at 55 lbs (oops) then realized my weight mistake and did the remainder of the rounds at 65 lbs for a total of 13 rounds. SO bummed I screwed up the weight as I felt like I was going pretty fast even after adjusting to the heavier weight. And I have the bruises to prove it!
4/10/12 WOD - bench press PR and "Heavy Grace"
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: muscle up practice. Work on false grip and transition. Other options- chest to bar pull ups, ring dips. If you are proficient at muscle ups, work on stringing them together or doing non-false grip muscle ups. I worked false grip pull ups and negative dips--both on the rings.
Strength: bench press 3 x 3 reps. I got up 115 lbs x3 and then got 125 x1 and failed the second and third reps twice. PR for bench press x 1.
Met-con: "Heavy Grace"-
30 power clean and jerks, 155/105lb.
***I finished in 5:38 (forgot to write it down but I'm pretty sure that was the score).
I felt pretty good today, not like I was going to DIE like most days prior to last week. I think things are finally getting back to normal since the pregnancy. Mason is 5.5 months old now so the timeline seems about right.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: muscle up practice. Work on false grip and transition. Other options- chest to bar pull ups, ring dips. If you are proficient at muscle ups, work on stringing them together or doing non-false grip muscle ups. I worked false grip pull ups and negative dips--both on the rings.
Strength: bench press 3 x 3 reps. I got up 115 lbs x3 and then got 125 x1 and failed the second and third reps twice. PR for bench press x 1.
Met-con: "Heavy Grace"-
30 power clean and jerks, 155/105lb.
***I finished in 5:38 (forgot to write it down but I'm pretty sure that was the score).
I felt pretty good today, not like I was going to DIE like most days prior to last week. I think things are finally getting back to normal since the pregnancy. Mason is 5.5 months old now so the timeline seems about right.
4/9/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class which was pretty packed while Marlie was at school and Mason was napping nearby.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Strength: back squat
-beginners- 5 x 5 reps @ 75% 1RM
-intermediate/advanced- 7 x 5 reps @ 75% 1RM.
***I warmed up to 155 lbs and then did the 7 sets at 155 lbs. Those last two were a little tough, will be fun on Thursday when we go heavier.
Check out this girl squatting nearly 300 lbs! You can see her knees caving but still impressive:
Met-con (to be started by 12 min left in class): AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 8 mins of:
-10 burpees
-20 sit ups
***I finished 5 rounds and up to 7 sit-ups.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Strength: back squat
-beginners- 5 x 5 reps @ 75% 1RM
-intermediate/advanced- 7 x 5 reps @ 75% 1RM.
***I warmed up to 155 lbs and then did the 7 sets at 155 lbs. Those last two were a little tough, will be fun on Thursday when we go heavier.
Check out this girl squatting nearly 300 lbs! You can see her knees caving but still impressive:
Met-con (to be started by 12 min left in class): AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 8 mins of:
-10 burpees
-20 sit ups
***I finished 5 rounds and up to 7 sit-ups.
4/6 and 4/3/12 WODs - Clean PR!
4/6 - Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1
Skill # 1- clean liftoffs. Practice getting into good starting position, pull the bar to the level of the knees by driving through the heels. Pause at the knee 2 sec.
Skill# 2- stand, shrug (two distinct motions).
Skill # 3- jump and shrug from the mid-hang position.
Skill # 4- clean pull- smooth pull to mid-thigh, vertical jump and shrug
Practice each skill successively and in order several times before moving on to strength.
Strength: clean, one-rep-max. ***I got up to 148 lbs for a squat clean and 150 lbs for a power clean into front squat which are both PRs.
4/3 - Warm up: CF warm up x 1
Skill: muscle up/false grip practice. Practice the false grip, false grip pull ups, transition and full movement as applicable. I worked ring pulls to the chest.
Strength: overhead squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 125 lbs x2 which is 10 lbs lower than my three-rep-max.
Met-con: Five rounds for time:
-15 pull ups
-15 box jumps, 24in (games standards, show control at top).
***I finished in 10:33.
Skill # 1- clean liftoffs. Practice getting into good starting position, pull the bar to the level of the knees by driving through the heels. Pause at the knee 2 sec.
Skill# 2- stand, shrug (two distinct motions).
Skill # 3- jump and shrug from the mid-hang position.
Skill # 4- clean pull- smooth pull to mid-thigh, vertical jump and shrug
Practice each skill successively and in order several times before moving on to strength.
Strength: clean, one-rep-max. ***I got up to 148 lbs for a squat clean and 150 lbs for a power clean into front squat which are both PRs.
4/3 - Warm up: CF warm up x 1
Skill: muscle up/false grip practice. Practice the false grip, false grip pull ups, transition and full movement as applicable. I worked ring pulls to the chest.
Strength: overhead squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 125 lbs x2 which is 10 lbs lower than my three-rep-max.
Met-con: Five rounds for time:
-15 pull ups
-15 box jumps, 24in (games standards, show control at top).
***I finished in 10:33.
4/2/12 WOD - PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing.
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1
Skill: rowing. Focus on technique and form, proper posture, driving with the legs, and efficiency. (10 mins)
Strength: push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 137 lbs x3 which is a PR x 2 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 min:
-10 thrusters, 115/75lb
-10 toes to bar
***I completed 5 rounds plus 1 thruster as Rx'd
Check out this video of Laura DeMarco push pressing 150 lbs at 20 weeks pregnant--now that's a strong mom!
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x 1
Skill: rowing. Focus on technique and form, proper posture, driving with the legs, and efficiency. (10 mins)
Strength: push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 137 lbs x3 which is a PR x 2 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 min:
-10 thrusters, 115/75lb
-10 toes to bar
***I completed 5 rounds plus 1 thruster as Rx'd
Check out this video of Laura DeMarco push pressing 150 lbs at 20 weeks pregnant--now that's a strong mom!
3/30, 3/28, 3/26, 3/25 and 3/21/12 wods
It's been a while since I've been able to get on and post....
3/30/12 - Warm up: 40 burpees and CrossFit warm up x1
*start the burpees first, if you take longer then 5 minutes from the beginning of class, you then have 50 burpees post met-con.
Strength: Front squats 3x3. I got up to 160 lbs x3 which is a PR
Met-con: 4 rounds for time of:
50- double unders
20- back squats (95/65)
rest 1 minute
***I completed up to round three plus 20 dus in the 20 minutes allotted and scaled up to 75 lbs.
3/28/12 - Warm up: 30 burpees + CF warm up x1
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I got up to 275 lbs x 3
Met-con: for time, in celebration of our awesome lady Irene getting under the 300lb mark in her journey!
300 reps!
-50 deadlifts (135/95)
-50 push up
-50 sit ups
-50 deadlifts
-50 push ups
-50 sit ups
***I finished in 22+ mins subbing GHD sit-ups in the first round.
3/26/12 - Warm up: Burgener for clean & jerk + 30 burpees
Strength: clean & jerk 3x3. I got up to 145 lbs x3 - PR
Met-con: "Randy" 75 muscle snatches for time (75/55)
***I got a new PR of 4:19
3/25/12 - Warm up: CrossFit warm up x1, mobility work
Met-con: CF Games wod - 12.5:
7 minute ascending ladder of
3- thrusters, chest to bar pull up
6- " "
9- " "
etc etc... as for up as you can get in 7 minutes.
***I completed round 12 plus six thrusters.
3/21/12 - Warm-up: CrossFit warm up x1 and 20 burpees.
Strength: back squat/ pause squat 3x3. At the bottom of the squat, pause for 5 seconds then stand up fast.
Met-con: AMRAP in 20 mins:
-run 400m, rest 1 minute
***I completed 6.5 rounds.
3/30/12 - Warm up: 40 burpees and CrossFit warm up x1
*start the burpees first, if you take longer then 5 minutes from the beginning of class, you then have 50 burpees post met-con.
Strength: Front squats 3x3. I got up to 160 lbs x3 which is a PR
Met-con: 4 rounds for time of:
50- double unders
20- back squats (95/65)
rest 1 minute
***I completed up to round three plus 20 dus in the 20 minutes allotted and scaled up to 75 lbs.
3/28/12 - Warm up: 30 burpees + CF warm up x1
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I got up to 275 lbs x 3
Met-con: for time, in celebration of our awesome lady Irene getting under the 300lb mark in her journey!
300 reps!
-50 deadlifts (135/95)
-50 push up
-50 sit ups
-50 deadlifts
-50 push ups
-50 sit ups
***I finished in 22+ mins subbing GHD sit-ups in the first round.
3/26/12 - Warm up: Burgener for clean & jerk + 30 burpees
Strength: clean & jerk 3x3. I got up to 145 lbs x3 - PR
Met-con: "Randy" 75 muscle snatches for time (75/55)
***I got a new PR of 4:19
3/25/12 - Warm up: CrossFit warm up x1, mobility work
Met-con: CF Games wod - 12.5:
7 minute ascending ladder of
3- thrusters, chest to bar pull up
6- " "
9- " "
etc etc... as for up as you can get in 7 minutes.
***I completed round 12 plus six thrusters.
3/21/12 - Warm-up: CrossFit warm up x1 and 20 burpees.
Strength: back squat/ pause squat 3x3. At the bottom of the squat, pause for 5 seconds then stand up fast.
Met-con: AMRAP in 20 mins:
-run 400m, rest 1 minute
***I completed 6.5 rounds.
3/19/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie was in school and Mason watched from the swing.
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x1
Strength: Front squat 3x3. My legs are SO sore from the wall balls on Saturday that I can barley walk so I stopped at 165 lbs x1 (max is 185 lbs).
Met-con: 7 Rounds:
-7 front squats (135/95)
-10 burpees
-Rest 1 min
***I finished in 13:10
Warm up: CrossFit warm up x1
Strength: Front squat 3x3. My legs are SO sore from the wall balls on Saturday that I can barley walk so I stopped at 165 lbs x1 (max is 185 lbs).
Met-con: 7 Rounds:
-7 front squats (135/95)
-10 burpees
-Rest 1 min
***I finished in 13:10
3/17/12 - CF Games wod
I trained at Elysium with Leon while Ben watched the kids and cheered me on.
Warm up: CrossFit warm-up x1, 400 m row and 20 mins muscle up practice.
Met-con: Games WOD 12.4
-50 wall balls, 10/9-ft target, 20/15-lb ball
-90 double-unders
-30 muscle ups
AMRAP 12 min
***I was able to get the WBs done in 9 mins but then could only get 20 DUs in the remaining three mins so I didn't even get a round.
Warm up: CrossFit warm-up x1, 400 m row and 20 mins muscle up practice.
Met-con: Games WOD 12.4
-50 wall balls, 10/9-ft target, 20/15-lb ball
-90 double-unders
-30 muscle ups
AMRAP 12 min
***I was able to get the WBs done in 9 mins but then could only get 20 DUs in the remaining three mins so I didn't even get a round.
3/15/12 WOD - Snatch PR
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up for snatch
Strength: Snatch, work up to your one rep max. Then, 3 singles at 85% of 1RM. I got up to a 115-lb squat snatch which is a PR by two lbs.
Met-con: "Annie", for time-
-50 double-unders, 50 sit ups
-40 and 40
-30 and 30
-20 and 20
-10 and 10
***I finished in 20:36. Double-unders are a goat of mine and this is the first time I've done this wod as Rx'd. SO, despite being relatively slow at it I'm happy that I did it at all. Onward and upward.
Strength: Snatch, work up to your one rep max. Then, 3 singles at 85% of 1RM. I got up to a 115-lb squat snatch which is a PR by two lbs.
Met-con: "Annie", for time-
-50 double-unders, 50 sit ups
-40 and 40
-30 and 30
-20 and 20
-10 and 10
***I finished in 20:36. Double-unders are a goat of mine and this is the first time I've done this wod as Rx'd. SO, despite being relatively slow at it I'm happy that I did it at all. Onward and upward.
3/13/12 WOD - PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone.
Warm up: CF x 1
skill: handstands, handstand push ups
Strength: Deadlift warm up to your one-rep-max, then 5 singles @ 75% of your 1RM. I got up to 293 lbs which is a PR
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 mins:
-5 handstand push ups (scale to partial ROM HSPU or 15 true push ups)
-12 KB swings, 1.5/1 pood (53/ 35 lbs)

***I scaled up to the men's 53-lb bell and used one pad under my head similar to the picture above for the HSPU and completed 7 rounds plus up to 1 HSPU
Warm up: CF x 1
skill: handstands, handstand push ups
Strength: Deadlift warm up to your one-rep-max, then 5 singles @ 75% of your 1RM. I got up to 293 lbs which is a PR
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 mins:
-5 handstand push ups (scale to partial ROM HSPU or 15 true push ups)
-12 KB swings, 1.5/1 pood (53/ 35 lbs)
***I scaled up to the men's 53-lb bell and used one pad under my head similar to the picture above for the HSPU and completed 7 rounds plus up to 1 HSPU
3/8/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Strength: push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 125 lbs x 3--PR match. I feel like I could have gone heavier for at least a new one-rep PR but ran out of time.
Met-con: Games WOD 12.3 (week 3):
-15 box jump, 24/20 in (must show control at top of box)
-12 push press, 115/75lb
-9 toes to bar
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 18 mins. ***I completed 6 rounds plus up to 4 presses.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Strength: push press 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 125 lbs x 3--PR match. I feel like I could have gone heavier for at least a new one-rep PR but ran out of time.
Met-con: Games WOD 12.3 (week 3):
-15 box jump, 24/20 in (must show control at top of box)
-12 push press, 115/75lb
-9 toes to bar
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 18 mins. ***I completed 6 rounds plus up to 4 presses.
3/7/12 WOD--Front squat PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone. They were both really good today--thanks guys!
Warm-up/skill work: jump rope, 5 min. Get generally warm then work on double unders. If you are proficient at double unders do one max effort set after warming up.
Strength: front squat, 3 sets at 85% of your one rep max. After, three attempts at a new 1RM. I got up to 185 lbs x1--PR!
Here I am at 170 and 175 lbs:
-10 deadlifts (255 lbs men/ 175 lbs women)
-10 burpees
Rest 1min. Repeat for 5 rds total, score is total time. ***I finished in 8:36
Warm-up/skill work: jump rope, 5 min. Get generally warm then work on double unders. If you are proficient at double unders do one max effort set after warming up.
Strength: front squat, 3 sets at 85% of your one rep max. After, three attempts at a new 1RM. I got up to 185 lbs x1--PR!
Here I am at 170 and 175 lbs:
-10 deadlifts (255 lbs men/ 175 lbs women)
-10 burpees
Rest 1min. Repeat for 5 rds total, score is total time. ***I finished in 8:36
3/5/12 WOD - "Isabel" and back squat PRs
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 197 lbs x 3 which is a new PR by two lbs. SO close to 200...next time.
"Isabel", 30 snatches for time, 135 lbs men/ 95 women. ***I finished in 4:25 which is a near 4 minute PR.
Check out this video of Glory Dawson doing the same workout at another CrossFit in 2:22--awesome!
3/4/12 WOD
I trained with the 10:30 a.m. Elysium class today before coaching. We did the games wod for the week:
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)
I got up to 79 reps (30 at 45 lbs, 30 at 75 and 19 at 100). SO glad that's over.
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)
I got up to 79 reps (30 at 45 lbs, 30 at 75 and 19 at 100). SO glad that's over.
2/23 and 2/29/12 WODs
2/23 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and did the games wod while Marlie was at school and Mason hung out in the kid zone baby swing.
Warm up: run 400m and CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I got up to 288 x3, failed 288, no PR today.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 7 mins or burpees. Each person must jump and touch a target 6" above their reach at standing holding arms straight up on each burpee.
***I scored 77. I was not happy with this and knew going into it I was exhausted from two days in a row sleep deprivation so I guess I couldn't expect much.
2/29 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and did the games wod while Marlie was at school and Mason hung out in the kid zone baby swing.
Warm up: run 400m and CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: Mid-hang (from the knees) snatch 3x3, if you are proficient in the overhead squat expect these to be squat snatches. I got up to 103 lbs x3 and 108 x1.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time or:
-10 hang (squat) snatch (95/65)
-10 burpees
***I finished in 11:20 as Rx'd
Warm up: run 400m and CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I got up to 288 x3, failed 288, no PR today.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 7 mins or burpees. Each person must jump and touch a target 6" above their reach at standing holding arms straight up on each burpee.
***I scored 77. I was not happy with this and knew going into it I was exhausted from two days in a row sleep deprivation so I guess I couldn't expect much.
2/29 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class and did the games wod while Marlie was at school and Mason hung out in the kid zone baby swing.
Warm up: run 400m and CrossFit warm-up x1
Strength: Mid-hang (from the knees) snatch 3x3, if you are proficient in the overhead squat expect these to be squat snatches. I got up to 103 lbs x3 and 108 x1.
Met-con: 5 rounds for time or:
-10 hang (squat) snatch (95/65)
-10 burpees
***I finished in 11:20 as Rx'd
2/21/12 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played/ slept in the kid zone. Marlie has been out of school for a while so it's been a bit challenging to make it in these past few days.
Warm-up: Run 400m and Crossfit warm-up x1
Strength: Back squat 5x3. I got up to 185 lbs x3 and 190 x2, failed rep 3.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes):
-10 burpees
-20 box jumps (20 in box)
***I completed 6 rounds plus up to 15 box jumps
Warm-up: Run 400m and Crossfit warm-up x1
Strength: Back squat 5x3. I got up to 185 lbs x3 and 190 x2, failed rep 3.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes):
-10 burpees
-20 box jumps (20 in box)
***I completed 6 rounds plus up to 15 box jumps
Stuffed tomatoes
I found this recipe on foodnetwork.com and made a few changes to make it primal and a little better. We ate it as a side with sausage and broccoli and it was a delicious treat.
12 medium vine-ripened tomatoes, sliced in 1/2 lengthwise
1/4 cup olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (or more to taste)
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup finely crumbled Gorgonzola
1/2 cup finely grated mozzarella cheese
4 tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Using a teaspoon or grapefruit spoon, remove the seeds from the tomatoes. Place the tomato halves, cut side down, on paper towels to drain, about 5 minutes.
In a large bowl, mix together 2 TBS of the olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. Using clean hands, gently toss the drained tomato halves in the oil mixture until coated. Marinate the tomatoes for 10 minutes.
In a small bowl mix together the coconut flour, basil and both cheeses.
Place the marinated tomato halves, cut side up, on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Fill each tomato half with the cheese filling. Drizzle with the remaining olive oil. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until slightly softened and the tops are golden brown.
12 medium vine-ripened tomatoes, sliced in 1/2 lengthwise
1/4 cup olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (or more to taste)
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup finely crumbled Gorgonzola
1/2 cup finely grated mozzarella cheese
4 tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Using a teaspoon or grapefruit spoon, remove the seeds from the tomatoes. Place the tomato halves, cut side down, on paper towels to drain, about 5 minutes.
In a large bowl, mix together 2 TBS of the olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. Using clean hands, gently toss the drained tomato halves in the oil mixture until coated. Marinate the tomatoes for 10 minutes.
In a small bowl mix together the coconut flour, basil and both cheeses.
Place the marinated tomato halves, cut side up, on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Fill each tomato half with the cheese filling. Drizzle with the remaining olive oil. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until slightly softened and the tops are golden brown.
2/16/12 WOD
Warmup: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: handstands, handstand push ups. If you are proficient at HSPU do HSPU on the rings or parallettes.
Strength: deadlift, one work set of 5 dead-stop reps. I worked up to 273 lbs x 1 and failed 283 x 1. I dropped the bar to 263 lbs and did the five dead-stop reps.
Met-con: Tabata pull ups/ box jump mash up. Box jump is 24". Tabata: 8 intervals of 20 seconds all-out intensity exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. Our workout was 8 minutes since we had the two-move mash up. *** I scored 110 reps total.
Skill: handstands, handstand push ups. If you are proficient at HSPU do HSPU on the rings or parallettes.
Strength: deadlift, one work set of 5 dead-stop reps. I worked up to 273 lbs x 1 and failed 283 x 1. I dropped the bar to 263 lbs and did the five dead-stop reps.
Met-con: Tabata pull ups/ box jump mash up. Box jump is 24". Tabata: 8 intervals of 20 seconds all-out intensity exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. Our workout was 8 minutes since we had the two-move mash up. *** I scored 110 reps total.
2/13 and 2/14/12 WODs
2/14 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today with a fun group of ladies despite my sluggishness. Marlie and Mason hung out in the kid zone playing and watching "Peter Pan."
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: double-unders
Strength: overhead squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 128 x 3 which is 7 lbs under my three-rep max. I failed 138 lbs on the jerk twice.
Met-con: Six rounds for time:
-5 push press/jerk, 135/95lb
-10 deadlift (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
***I finished in 5:32. Not my best performance--pretty slow today.
2/13 - Massage day :-) I was so happy to get an 1:40 minute massage which was long overdue. My therapist was amazing and spent most of the time on my IT bands which are in recovery mode today.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1
Skill: double-unders
Strength: overhead squat 3 x 3 reps. I got up to 128 x 3 which is 7 lbs under my three-rep max. I failed 138 lbs on the jerk twice.
Met-con: Six rounds for time:
-5 push press/jerk, 135/95lb
-10 deadlift (135 lbs men/ 95 lbs women)
***I finished in 5:32. Not my best performance--pretty slow today.
2/13 - Massage day :-) I was so happy to get an 1:40 minute massage which was long overdue. My therapist was amazing and spent most of the time on my IT bands which are in recovery mode today.
2/9/12 WOD - Power clean
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school and Mason slept in the swing--thank you Mason, such a good boy today.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Skill: Practice the following skills in order-
-clean liftoff- bar starts on the ground, pull to the knee. Focus on keeping the bar close, PUSHING the knees back and out of the way, driving through the heels.
-stand and shrug- bar starts on the ground. Deadlift to standing, shrug bar.
-clean pull- build from the stand and shrug. Bar starts on the ground. Pull to jumping position, jump and shrug vertically.
-power clean
Paul had us do each one right after the other and I got up to 133 lbs, failed 138--max is 145 lbs x2
Met-con: row 1K.
***I got 3:57. My legs were/ are still fried from yesterday's squats so that was rough. Not looking forward to feeling the pain in the morning.
Warm-up: CF x 1
Skill: Practice the following skills in order-
-clean liftoff- bar starts on the ground, pull to the knee. Focus on keeping the bar close, PUSHING the knees back and out of the way, driving through the heels.
-stand and shrug- bar starts on the ground. Deadlift to standing, shrug bar.
-clean pull- build from the stand and shrug. Bar starts on the ground. Pull to jumping position, jump and shrug vertically.
-power clean
Paul had us do each one right after the other and I got up to 133 lbs, failed 138--max is 145 lbs x2
Met-con: row 1K.
***I got 3:57. My legs were/ are still fried from yesterday's squats so that was rough. Not looking forward to feeling the pain in the morning.
2/8/12 WOD - Push press PR
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Mason cried and slept in the swing and Marlie played and watched Alice in Wonderland. Thanks to Leon for soothing Mason to sleep.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1
Skill: Double under practice
Strength: Push press. I got up to 135 lbs x3--PR by 5 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible): 3 mins, 1 min rest for 4 total cycles:
-5 pull ups
-10 air squats
***I got up to 17 rounds plus 3 pull ups.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x1
Skill: Double under practice
Strength: Push press. I got up to 135 lbs x3--PR by 5 lbs.
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible): 3 mins, 1 min rest for 4 total cycles:
-5 pull ups
-10 air squats
***I got up to 17 rounds plus 3 pull ups.
2/4/12 WODs - Rokfit competition
I trained at Elysium with a few members who also signed up for the Rokfit Cyber competition this weekend. Rokfit released two wods for Saturday and one for Sunday which needed to be recorded and sent in via video link.
WOD #1
The Couplet
15-12-9 reps for time of...
-Overhead Squat - (men 135lbs/ women 95lbs)
-Bar Facing Burpees
Overhead Squat: The OHS starts and ends in full lockout with head neutral. The athlete must pass through a full squat below parallel. Bar must be taken from ground and use same bar for burpees.
Bar Facing Burpees: Starts standing with full knee and hip extension. Athlete takes chest and thighs to the ground and then jumps over the bar. Athlete must with both feet leaving and landing at the same time.
***I finished in 12:17 and placed 30th overall for that event.
WOD #2
The Triplet
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time of...
-Pull-ups (chin breaks vertical plane)
-Dumbbells ground to overhead - (men 50lb DB's/ women 30lb DB's)
-Box jump - (men 30" box/ women 24")
Pull-Ups: Athlete must start with arms in full extension and chin must break vertical plane of the bar each rep.
DB Ground to Overhead: Object starts on the ground and finishes overhead with full lockout (only part of the DB needs to touch the ground, does not need to be flat on ground each rep, but left and right side must tap the ground)
Box Jumps: Athlete must jump on top of the box and show stability with open hips before jumping back to the ground.
***I finished in 14:51 and placed 31st overall for that event.
I DNF'd the competition though because I didnt participate on Sunday. Too many sleepless nights in a row with a new baby and a cold finally got to me.
WOD #1
The Couplet
15-12-9 reps for time of...
-Overhead Squat - (men 135lbs/ women 95lbs)
-Bar Facing Burpees
Overhead Squat: The OHS starts and ends in full lockout with head neutral. The athlete must pass through a full squat below parallel. Bar must be taken from ground and use same bar for burpees.
Bar Facing Burpees: Starts standing with full knee and hip extension. Athlete takes chest and thighs to the ground and then jumps over the bar. Athlete must with both feet leaving and landing at the same time.
***I finished in 12:17 and placed 30th overall for that event.
The Triplet
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time of...
-Pull-ups (chin breaks vertical plane)
-Dumbbells ground to overhead - (men 50lb DB's/ women 30lb DB's)
-Box jump - (men 30" box/ women 24")
Pull-Ups: Athlete must start with arms in full extension and chin must break vertical plane of the bar each rep.
DB Ground to Overhead: Object starts on the ground and finishes overhead with full lockout (only part of the DB needs to touch the ground, does not need to be flat on ground each rep, but left and right side must tap the ground)
Box Jumps: Athlete must jump on top of the box and show stability with open hips before jumping back to the ground.
***I finished in 14:51 and placed 31st overall for that event.
I DNF'd the competition though because I didnt participate on Sunday. Too many sleepless nights in a row with a new baby and a cold finally got to me.
1/29 and 1/31/12 WODs - Bench and clean PRs
1/29 - I led the 10:30 a.m. Elysium Elite class but was sick so I only did the strength with them--what an impressive group!
Warm-up: do your own thing, or CrossFit warm-up x1 plus row 500 m or run 400 m.
Strength/ skill only today: Bench press 3x3: I got up to 125 lbs x 3 which is a new PR by 1 but I couldn't even get 130 up x1.
1/31 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played and slept in the kid zone.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1 plus run 400 m.
Strength: mid hang power clean 3x3. I did these from the box in order to really produce explosiveness from the mid hang position. After several warm-up rounds at lower weights, I got up to 135 lbs x3 and 145 lbs x2. I got 143 lbs a few weeks ago on a squat clean so I'm looking forward to getting that up next time since one can generally squat clean more.
Five rounds for time:
-5 -deadlifts (275/185)
-10- burpees
Row 500 for time when done with the five rounds.
***I finished the five rounds in 6:02 and the row in 2:04
Warm-up: do your own thing, or CrossFit warm-up x1 plus row 500 m or run 400 m.
Strength/ skill only today: Bench press 3x3: I got up to 125 lbs x 3 which is a new PR by 1 but I couldn't even get 130 up x1.
1/31 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class while Marlie and Mason played and slept in the kid zone.
Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x1 plus run 400 m.
Strength: mid hang power clean 3x3. I did these from the box in order to really produce explosiveness from the mid hang position. After several warm-up rounds at lower weights, I got up to 135 lbs x3 and 145 lbs x2. I got 143 lbs a few weeks ago on a squat clean so I'm looking forward to getting that up next time since one can generally squat clean more.
Five rounds for time:
-5 -deadlifts (275/185)
-10- burpees
Row 500 for time when done with the five rounds.
***I finished the five rounds in 6:02 and the row in 2:04
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I discovered at an early age that being active and fit feels great, so health and fitness have always played a major role in my life. When I was younger I was into dancing, track and field, rollerblading and bicycling. I enjoyed running and skiing all through my teens and twenties, and ran on the cross country team at CSU, Chico. After college, I trained for and ran several competitive races including the Silver Strand Half Marathon. Later I joined a big cookie-cutter gym, heavy on machines, where I designed my own workouts based on out-of-date methods I learned in college.
After my daughter, Marlie was born in early 2009, I really turned up the heat on my workouts to get back in shape. I followed my usual old routine including a moderate diet but was never able to quite get back to my original shape. A friend who was also a new mom invited me to her home a few times where they had a CrossFit garage gym. I was hooked after the first workout! It was different, intense, and best of all, not monotonous or boring. They were constantly doing something new. In only a few months, I had my pre-pregnancy body back and it was even better than before—this time I was stronger than ever, despite my previous attempts on the weight machines. Another great motivator is that the workouts are generally 30 - 45 minutes including warm-up and cool down, NOT 90 minutes like my old workouts. As a new busy mom, this is very important to me. It didn’t take long to realize this is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness during my first year of CrossFit than I had in the past 15 years of working out. I am now in my mid 30s and can easily say I am in the best shape of my life. I owe it all to two things, CrossFit and good nutrition. A healthy, well balanced diet that provides adequate sources of high quality protein, low glycemic index foods and the proper fats and oils will dramatically change your overall well-being and improve your workouts tremendously.
My successes inspire me to want to share this lifestyle with others. Health and nutrition have always been frontrunners in my life and those who value the same are invited to join us. I believe that if you’re going to do something, you should do it right; and when it comes to fitness training, that means CrossFit. CrossFit has been proven to work by measurable, observable, repeatable facts that we call “evidence-based fitness” so it's only a matter of time before you can see the results if you put the time in.
One of my mentors once told me I was training to “not suck at life.” I challenge you to do the same! Come by or email me and let’s get started!
Certifications/ Education-
- CrossFit Level I Trainer certification - 2009
- B.A: Journalism with an Option in Public Relations from CSU, Chico
- Minor: Health Sciences from CSU, Chico
- Basic Life Support (BLS) certified
- PADI Open Water Diver certified
Email: stacie@crossfitelysium.com
After my daughter, Marlie was born in early 2009, I really turned up the heat on my workouts to get back in shape. I followed my usual old routine including a moderate diet but was never able to quite get back to my original shape. A friend who was also a new mom invited me to her home a few times where they had a CrossFit garage gym. I was hooked after the first workout! It was different, intense, and best of all, not monotonous or boring. They were constantly doing something new. In only a few months, I had my pre-pregnancy body back and it was even better than before—this time I was stronger than ever, despite my previous attempts on the weight machines. Another great motivator is that the workouts are generally 30 - 45 minutes including warm-up and cool down, NOT 90 minutes like my old workouts. As a new busy mom, this is very important to me. It didn’t take long to realize this is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness during my first year of CrossFit than I had in the past 15 years of working out. I am now in my mid 30s and can easily say I am in the best shape of my life. I owe it all to two things, CrossFit and good nutrition. A healthy, well balanced diet that provides adequate sources of high quality protein, low glycemic index foods and the proper fats and oils will dramatically change your overall well-being and improve your workouts tremendously.
My successes inspire me to want to share this lifestyle with others. Health and nutrition have always been frontrunners in my life and those who value the same are invited to join us. I believe that if you’re going to do something, you should do it right; and when it comes to fitness training, that means CrossFit. CrossFit has been proven to work by measurable, observable, repeatable facts that we call “evidence-based fitness” so it's only a matter of time before you can see the results if you put the time in.
One of my mentors once told me I was training to “not suck at life.” I challenge you to do the same! Come by or email me and let’s get started!
Certifications/ Education-
- CrossFit Level I Trainer certification - 2009
- B.A: Journalism with an Option in Public Relations from CSU, Chico
- Minor: Health Sciences from CSU, Chico
- Basic Life Support (BLS) certified
- PADI Open Water Diver certified
Email: stacie@crossfitelysium.com