Warm up: CF x1, double-unders 5 minutes
Strength: off
Metcon: Games wod, week 5. AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5- cleans (145/100)
10- toes to bar
15- Wall balls
*** I completed 6 rounds plus 1 clean.
4/25 - I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today.
Warm-up: CF x2
Strength: Back squat 3x5. I got up to 160 x 3
Met-con: Games wod week 6. AMRAP in 7 mins:
3- thrusters 3- chest to bar pull ups
6- thrusters 6- C2B pull ups
9- thrusters 9- C2B pull ups
As far up the ladder as possible in 7 minutes.
***I got up to total round of 9 reps plus 9 thrusters and 7 C2B pulls