I trained with Alessandra while Marlie watched "Shrek," again (poor Marls).
Warm up: CF x2
Met-con only: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes -
30- push press (75 men /55 women)
30- push ups
run 400m
***I completed three rounds plus up to 20 push presses. We both subbed 400 m row instead of running.
FREE CrossFit class every Sunday at noon! One mother's mission to spread the word about fitness and raise a healthy family.
2/23/11 WOD
I trained with Ben and the 9:30 a.m. class while Marlie was at school.
Warm-up: CF x 2
Strength: Hang squat clean 3x3. I subbed power cleans from the floor and got 93 lbs x3, 113 x3 and 118 x2.
Met-con: 10 minutes - work you way up the ladder as far as possible
1 hang squat clean
2 hang squat cleans (consecutive)
3 hang squat cleans (consecutive), etc.
The weight for the workout is not set. Men have the options of 75,95,115 or 135. Women can use 55, 65, 80 or 95. You get to choose whether you want more of a strength limiting workout or a cardio/lung workout. Neither choice is easier then the others. I subbed power cleans since my knees cannot yet handle heavy, intense squats.
***I completed 12 rounds plus 4 power cleans at 83 lbs.
Warm-up: CF x 2
Strength: Hang squat clean 3x3. I subbed power cleans from the floor and got 93 lbs x3, 113 x3 and 118 x2.
Met-con: 10 minutes - work you way up the ladder as far as possible
1 hang squat clean
2 hang squat cleans (consecutive)
3 hang squat cleans (consecutive), etc.
The weight for the workout is not set. Men have the options of 75,95,115 or 135. Women can use 55, 65, 80 or 95. You get to choose whether you want more of a strength limiting workout or a cardio/lung workout. Neither choice is easier then the others. I subbed power cleans since my knees cannot yet handle heavy, intense squats.
***I completed 12 rounds plus 4 power cleans at 83 lbs.
2/17, 2/18, 2/21, 2/22/11 WODs
I had several friends visiting and then left for vacation while they were still with us so no time to post the few wods I had time for...so here they are:
2/22/11 - trained with the 5 p.m. Elysium class while Marlie sat in the play area and watched Yo Gabba Gabba.
Warm-up: CF warm up x2
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I got 213 lbs, 223, 233
Met-con: 800 m row, 50 wall balls at 15 lbs, 400 m row and 25 wall balls for time.
***I finished in 11:23. My legs are jello
2/21/11 - trained alone
Met-con only: 30-minute spin bike on cross training at level 16.
***I completed 9.6 miles.
2/18/11 - trained with three friends who were visiting. I created a short met-con we could do in the front before going to play frisbee golf--so fun!
Warm-up: 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 supermans, 10 squats
Met-con: 10 - 1 team wod ladder of squats and burpees.
***My team finished in 8:42.

2/17/11 - trained with Ben and Alessandra at Elysium while the kids played in the kid zone.
Warm-up: CF x 1; do overhead squats with PVC for the squats.
Strength: Bench press 3x3. I got up to 115 lbs
40 sit ups, 30 pull ups
30 sit ups, 20 pull ups
20 sit ups, 10 pull ups
10 sit ups, for time
***I finished in 11:35.
2/22/11 - trained with the 5 p.m. Elysium class while Marlie sat in the play area and watched Yo Gabba Gabba.
Warm-up: CF warm up x2
Strength: Deadlift 3x3. I got 213 lbs, 223, 233
Met-con: 800 m row, 50 wall balls at 15 lbs, 400 m row and 25 wall balls for time.
***I finished in 11:23. My legs are jello
2/21/11 - trained alone
Met-con only: 30-minute spin bike on cross training at level 16.
***I completed 9.6 miles.
2/18/11 - trained with three friends who were visiting. I created a short met-con we could do in the front before going to play frisbee golf--so fun!
Warm-up: 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 supermans, 10 squats
Met-con: 10 - 1 team wod ladder of squats and burpees.
***My team finished in 8:42.

2/17/11 - trained with Ben and Alessandra at Elysium while the kids played in the kid zone.
Warm-up: CF x 1; do overhead squats with PVC for the squats.
Strength: Bench press 3x3. I got up to 115 lbs
50 sit ups, 40 pull ups40 sit ups, 30 pull ups
30 sit ups, 20 pull ups
20 sit ups, 10 pull ups
10 sit ups, for time
***I finished in 11:35.
2/14/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 am Elysium class today while Marlie watched Shrek 3 on the sidelines.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x 1
Strength: Deadlift 3 x3. I got up to 223 lbs
Met-con: For rounds for time:
20 wall balls (15 lbs)
20 box jumps (20 in box)
***I had to sub step ups and finished in 8:11
Warm-up: CF warm-up x 1
Strength: Deadlift 3 x3. I got up to 223 lbs
Met-con: For rounds for time:
20 wall balls (15 lbs)
20 box jumps (20 in box)
***I had to sub step ups and finished in 8:11
2/11/11 WOD
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class. It has been a few days since we had family in town and were on the go most of the time so it was good to get a CF workout in before strength-training with my physical therapist this afternoon.
Warm-up: CF warm-up x2
Strength: worked with PF
Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 mins
- 5 pull ups
- 10 push ups
- 15 sit ups
- 20 air squats
***I completed 8 rounds plus 11 sit-ups. My met-con is bad right now so I took a few small breaks to catch my breath (no longer than 3 breaths each), but overall did ok. This is the first workout I've done with almost all but 2 - 3 pulls as butterfly pull ups.
2/7/11 WOD
I trained with the 5 p.m. Elysium class today and did Louis' birthday wod. I was nearly able to do the wod as rx'd so I'm getting more optimistic everyday. So far so good!
Warm-up: CF warm-up x 1
Strength: Overhead squats 3x3. Since I cannot go to heavy on squats just yet, I changed it to 3x5. I did 95 lbs x 5, 115 lbs x 2 (heard knee making crunching sounds) and then went back down to 95 for the last two set of five reps.
Met-con - for time:
-30 burpee box jumps on a 24" box
-30 strict pull ups (dont think I've ever done more than five of these in a row...)
-30 clean and jerks at 85 lbs
***I finished in 14:08 and subbed step-ups for jumps to spare the healing knees.
I thought 24" was high, check out this guys doing bbj with a 40" jump!
2/4/11 WOD - "Fran"
I trained with the 9:30 a.m. Elysium class today.
Warm-up: CF warm up x2, 250 m row
Strength: off
Met-con: "Fran"
21 - 15 - 9 reps of 65-lb thrusters and pull ups.
***I subbed calories for thrusters on the rower and finished in 6:12. Not happy with this time as my lungs were burning so hard I could only get 4 - 5 pulls in a row.
Tonight I'll be coaching the "Dozen doughnut Fran" class which will be quite a sight! Check out this video of something similar:
2/2/11 WOD - Knee recovery notes
I trained at home today before going to physical therapy.
Met-con: 30 minute spin bike workout on level 16 and the cross-training setting. I completed 10.6 miles. I also did max effort sit-ups and made it to 103.
Side note: PT was great today. I feel SO much better than I did after the same amount of recovery on the other knee (2.4 months ago). I'm extremely optimistic now and feel like I'll be back in action much sooner than expected. I will still follow the recovery program but at least I'm more hopeful. To those who have meniscus injuries and doubt surgery, I say this: I felt the same way for 16 years and was in and out of surgeon's office's and nearly went through with it two other times before this. After scar tissue build up, another tear, unbearable pain and a great recommendation to an amazing surgeon, I decided to go for it. I couldn't be happier with the results. I know everyone will have a different experience but I think it's worth investigating if you're living with pain, limited range and the inability to advance in your sport. Thanks to those who have been supportive and encouraging--a great group of people surrounding you doesn't hurt either!
Met-con: 30 minute spin bike workout on level 16 and the cross-training setting. I completed 10.6 miles. I also did max effort sit-ups and made it to 103.
Side note: PT was great today. I feel SO much better than I did after the same amount of recovery on the other knee (2.4 months ago). I'm extremely optimistic now and feel like I'll be back in action much sooner than expected. I will still follow the recovery program but at least I'm more hopeful. To those who have meniscus injuries and doubt surgery, I say this: I felt the same way for 16 years and was in and out of surgeon's office's and nearly went through with it two other times before this. After scar tissue build up, another tear, unbearable pain and a great recommendation to an amazing surgeon, I decided to go for it. I couldn't be happier with the results. I know everyone will have a different experience but I think it's worth investigating if you're living with pain, limited range and the inability to advance in your sport. Thanks to those who have been supportive and encouraging--a great group of people surrounding you doesn't hurt either!
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I discovered at an early age that being active and fit feels great, so health and fitness have always played a major role in my life. When I was younger I was into dancing, track and field, rollerblading and bicycling. I enjoyed running and skiing all through my teens and twenties, and ran on the cross country team at CSU, Chico. After college, I trained for and ran several competitive races including the Silver Strand Half Marathon. Later I joined a big cookie-cutter gym, heavy on machines, where I designed my own workouts based on out-of-date methods I learned in college.
After my daughter, Marlie was born in early 2009, I really turned up the heat on my workouts to get back in shape. I followed my usual old routine including a moderate diet but was never able to quite get back to my original shape. A friend who was also a new mom invited me to her home a few times where they had a CrossFit garage gym. I was hooked after the first workout! It was different, intense, and best of all, not monotonous or boring. They were constantly doing something new. In only a few months, I had my pre-pregnancy body back and it was even better than before—this time I was stronger than ever, despite my previous attempts on the weight machines. Another great motivator is that the workouts are generally 30 - 45 minutes including warm-up and cool down, NOT 90 minutes like my old workouts. As a new busy mom, this is very important to me. It didn’t take long to realize this is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness during my first year of CrossFit than I had in the past 15 years of working out. I am now in my mid 30s and can easily say I am in the best shape of my life. I owe it all to two things, CrossFit and good nutrition. A healthy, well balanced diet that provides adequate sources of high quality protein, low glycemic index foods and the proper fats and oils will dramatically change your overall well-being and improve your workouts tremendously.
My successes inspire me to want to share this lifestyle with others. Health and nutrition have always been frontrunners in my life and those who value the same are invited to join us. I believe that if you’re going to do something, you should do it right; and when it comes to fitness training, that means CrossFit. CrossFit has been proven to work by measurable, observable, repeatable facts that we call “evidence-based fitness” so it's only a matter of time before you can see the results if you put the time in.
One of my mentors once told me I was training to “not suck at life.” I challenge you to do the same! Come by or email me and let’s get started!
Certifications/ Education-
- CrossFit Level I Trainer certification - 2009
- B.A: Journalism with an Option in Public Relations from CSU, Chico
- Minor: Health Sciences from CSU, Chico
- Basic Life Support (BLS) certified
- PADI Open Water Diver certified
Email: stacie@crossfitelysium.com
After my daughter, Marlie was born in early 2009, I really turned up the heat on my workouts to get back in shape. I followed my usual old routine including a moderate diet but was never able to quite get back to my original shape. A friend who was also a new mom invited me to her home a few times where they had a CrossFit garage gym. I was hooked after the first workout! It was different, intense, and best of all, not monotonous or boring. They were constantly doing something new. In only a few months, I had my pre-pregnancy body back and it was even better than before—this time I was stronger than ever, despite my previous attempts on the weight machines. Another great motivator is that the workouts are generally 30 - 45 minutes including warm-up and cool down, NOT 90 minutes like my old workouts. As a new busy mom, this is very important to me. It didn’t take long to realize this is the best thing I have ever done for my health.
I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness during my first year of CrossFit than I had in the past 15 years of working out. I am now in my mid 30s and can easily say I am in the best shape of my life. I owe it all to two things, CrossFit and good nutrition. A healthy, well balanced diet that provides adequate sources of high quality protein, low glycemic index foods and the proper fats and oils will dramatically change your overall well-being and improve your workouts tremendously.
My successes inspire me to want to share this lifestyle with others. Health and nutrition have always been frontrunners in my life and those who value the same are invited to join us. I believe that if you’re going to do something, you should do it right; and when it comes to fitness training, that means CrossFit. CrossFit has been proven to work by measurable, observable, repeatable facts that we call “evidence-based fitness” so it's only a matter of time before you can see the results if you put the time in.
One of my mentors once told me I was training to “not suck at life.” I challenge you to do the same! Come by or email me and let’s get started!
Certifications/ Education-
- CrossFit Level I Trainer certification - 2009
- B.A: Journalism with an Option in Public Relations from CSU, Chico
- Minor: Health Sciences from CSU, Chico
- Basic Life Support (BLS) certified
- PADI Open Water Diver certified
Email: stacie@crossfitelysium.com