FREE CrossFit class every Sunday at noon! One mother's mission to spread the word about fitness and raise a healthy family.

10/30/10 WOD - Amazing "Grace" fundraiser and PR!

CrossFit Elysium hosted a Barbells for Boobs / Amazing “Grace” fundraiser today and we had a great time.  Some members of CFCV joined us for a little friendly competition and we got some great pics: 

Several people got PRs on their “Grace” times as well.

Not_personal_record_icon_width_25Result3 mins 58 secs | Rx'd
Monthly_icon_width_25DateSaturday, October 30, 2010
Notes_icon_width_25NotesNew PR by 13 seconds!
Power_icon_width_25Avg Power100.7 (ft*lbs)/sec

Gym Rank (W): 1st | Site Rank (W): 97th

10/27/10 WOD

Met-con:I trained with Alessandra this morning and only had 30 mins so no strength again today L

Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1

1 min max rep handstand push ups
rest 1 min
1 min max rep box jumps, 20 in box
rest 1 min
1 min max rep pull ups
rest 1 min
Repeat for a total of 3 cycles.
***I completed a total of 191 reps. The jumps were particularly hard today.

Check out this video of Annie doing HSPU--she is awesome!

Trained alone at home while Marlie napped.

Met-con only: 45 minutes on the spin bike at level 16.  Got up to 14.4 miles.  

10/25/10 WOD - "Helen"

I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie watched and begged for raisins... 

Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1

Strength: front squat 3 x 3 reps.  My knee is wiped from several recent runs so I felt it on my first work set of 135 lbs.  I decided not to push it today considering we also had a run for the met-con. I got 115 lbs x3, 135 lbs x3 and 135 x2.

Met-con: "Helen", 3 rounds for time -
400 m run
21 KB swing, 1.5 (men) /1 (women) pood
12 pull ups

****I finished in 11:28 today.  My last time was 11:14 so no PR for me--URG!

10/24/10 WOD

I trained with the 12 p.m. Elysium class today while Marlie looked on from her play-saucer and ate apple slices. Alessandra played peek-a-boo with her between sit-ups and she was laughing hysterically.

400 m run, then two rounds of
10 squats
10 push-ups
10 supermans
10 sit-ups

Met-con: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 20 mins -
400 m run
15 burpees
20 sit-ups

***I finished five total rounds.  I didn't stop more than a breath maybe once or twice which makes me think I couldn't have done another round, even on an especially great day.  I'm happy with this score.

Recipe: Pumpkin Fries

Who doesn't love fries?! I just came across this recipe on another paleo foodie's blog and had to share:

1 pumpkin
2 tbsp coconut oil or olive oil
Spices such as paprika, chilli flakes, fresh finely chopped garlis and cumin
Dried herbs such as basil, thyme, parsley and sage

Preheat oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with aluminum foil.
1. Peel and chop pumpkin into fries - I go for a 1cm x 1cm thickness, but shoestring would still work (be gentle!) as will bigger wedge-style cuts.
2. In a medium bowl, toss fries with oil.
3. Sprinkle with selected herbs and spices, tossing to coat.
4. Place fries on tray in a single layer, and bake in oven until golden and slightly crisp on the outside.  It will take a while so be patient 
Serve hot!

10/22/10 WOD - PR!

I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class today.

Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1.  I’ve switched out butterfly kip pull ups for regular now to improve my form.  I got three in a row for the first time today

Strength: back squat 3 x 3 reps.  I got 155 lbs x3, 165 x3 and 170 x3 –PR by 10 lbs!

Met-con: Four rounds for time of -
6 clean and jerks, 155 (men) / (women) 105lb
12 toes to bar

***I finished in 11:50.  That was a good but hard workout.  

10/20/10 WOD - "Jack"

I trained with the 11 a.m. Elysium class today while Marlie was at school.  I had a hard time mentally today.  I hit my face with the barbell during the strength portion and it just went downhill from there.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

Warm-up: CrossFit warm-up x 1

Strength: overhead squat 3 x 3 reps.  I got 115 lbs x3, 125 x1, 120 x2

Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, Wash., died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber and Abi.

Met-con: Jack
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115/ 75 lb push presses, 10 reps
10 kettlebell  swings, 1.5/ 1 pood
10 box jumps, 24 inch box

***I finished 8 rounds plus 2 push presses

Butterfly Kip Tutorial

I trained with the 5 p.m. Elysium class while Marlie had a much needed play date at Luca's house.

Warm-up: row 500m; shoulder pass thrus

Skill 1: box jumps- grab a low box, 16-20in and practice jumping quickly back up after landing from the previous jump. Everyone has different ways to do this, some things that help include jumping slightly back off the box, landing and springing up and forward again; pausing at the top, then jumping down and up (so the rhythm is more like up... down/up... down/up).

Skill 2: kipping; work the regular or butterfly kip as applicable; don't go to failure, just nail a few reps at a time. I was able to practice butterfly pulls today which was fun. I feel like I may be able to string a few together very soon. Thanks Paul!

Be done with the skill work by 35min after.

Strength: off

Metcon: Five rounds for time:
5 power snatches
5 thruster
5 sumo dead-lift high-pulls all at 95/65lb
5 burpees
The biggest downside for me were my lungs, I just couldn’t breathe today! ***I finished in 7:44

Our visit to Lima, Peru

Ben, Marlie and I took a trip to Lima, Peru to visit my sister the first half of this month and we had an amazing time.  Not only did we get to see my sister who I haven't seen in a year and a half but Peru is a gorgeous country with so much to do and offer.  Since Marlie is too young to go in high altitude, we skipped Machu Picchu this time (regretfully) but hope to go back someday to take in the sights.  

We didn't get to do a WOD at CrossFit Peru due to their schedule and our lack of transportation but we were able to stop by, pick up a t-shirt and meet the owner and another trainer to chat for a bit:   They were very welcoming and had a great gym.  I hope my sister get's a chance to meet them and do a few wods.  

Here is a post on their website from our visit:

Here are some pics form the trip: 

10/17/10 WOD

Today was my first day back from Peru so we went down to join the free Sunday class at Elysium.  I only worked out out three times while in Peru so it was great to be back with everyone and get a good met-con in--great group too.

Warm-up:  Two rounds of:
10 squats
10 push ups
10 supermans
10 sit ups

Met-con: Team wod for time (Ben and Pat were my teammates)
4000 m row
150 burpees

***We finished in 16:25.  Only two people could work at the same time so we decided to have one on the rower and the other two alternating every 10 burpees.  We would rotate through the rower and burpee stations every 600 - 300 meters.  Pat kicked but on his first turn and got 1000 done on his own. Fun wod!


I discovered at an early age that being active and fit feels great, so health and fitness have always played a major role in my life. When I was younger I was into dancing, track and field, rollerblading and bicycling. I enjoyed running and skiing all through my teens and twenties, and ran on the cross country team at CSU, Chico. After college, I trained for and ran several competitive races including the Silver Strand Half Marathon. Later I joined a big cookie-cutter gym, heavy on machines, where I designed my own workouts based on out-of-date methods I learned in college.

After my daughter, Marlie was born in early 2009, I really turned up the heat on my workouts to get back in shape. I followed my usual old routine including a moderate diet but was never able to quite get back to my original shape. A friend who was also a new mom invited me to her home a few times where they had a CrossFit garage gym. I was hooked after the first workout! It was different, intense, and best of all, not monotonous or boring. They were constantly doing something new. In only a few months, I had my pre-pregnancy body back and it was even better than before—this time I was stronger than ever, despite my previous attempts on the weight machines. Another great motivator is that the workouts are generally 30 - 45 minutes including warm-up and cool down, NOT 90 minutes like my old workouts. As a new busy mom, this is very important to me. It didn’t take long to realize this is the best thing I have ever done for my health.

I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness during my first year of CrossFit than I had in the past 15 years of working out. I am now in my mid 30s and can easily say I am in the best shape of my life. I owe it all to two things, CrossFit and good nutrition. A healthy, well balanced diet that provides adequate sources of high quality protein, low glycemic index foods and the proper fats and oils will dramatically change your overall well-being and improve your workouts tremendously.

My successes inspire me to want to share this lifestyle with others. Health and nutrition have always been frontrunners in my life and those who value the same are invited to join us. I believe that if you’re going to do something, you should do it right; and when it comes to fitness training, that means CrossFit. CrossFit has been proven to work by measurable, observable, repeatable facts that we call “evidence-based fitness” so it's only a matter of time before you can see the results if you put the time in.

One of my mentors once told me I was training to “not suck at life.” I challenge you to do the same! Come by or email me and let’s get started!

Certifications/ Education-

- CrossFit Level I Trainer certification - 2009
- B.A: Journalism with an Option in Public Relations from CSU, Chico
- Minor: Health Sciences from CSU, Chico
- Basic Life Support (BLS) certified
- PADI Open Water Diver certified
